LCC Character Introduction Challenge

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Re: LCC Character Introduction Challenge

Post by wobnam »

Queta Knight wrote:Hey, I am actually for Outlaws so I don't know what happened there. Please look back over my entry where I said I was in the Outlaw faction. Thanks!
Sorry about that; the black flag looked green to me so I jumped to conclusions. Fixed!
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Re: LCC Character Introduction Challenge

Post by Calculus3.14 »

Raised in a monastery, Horatius trained with many melee weapons, but he prefers to use only his hands. He was also taught the important subjects of riding, arithmetic, writing, economy, the history of Roawia, along with many other things.
When Horatius was sixteen, equipped with the knowledge from the monastery, he left his childhood home to find his way in the land of Loreos. Sometime after, while he was resting in the shade along the road with one of his favorite books, he suddenly heard a cry for help. Rushing toward the sound, Horatius found a man’s cart tipped on its side with its contents spread about. Outlaws were everywhere. Using his combative skills with his hands, Horatius fought the Outlaws alone. When the barbarous Outlaws had fled, he waited until the man came to his senses. Then, as the man came to his senses, Horatius told him what had happened. Horatius discovered that the man he had saved was a wealthy nobleman. This magnate was named Augustus Desertwind, who proceeded to take Horatius back to his estate where he rewarded him with many riches and also introduced Horatius to the life of a merchant. Because the magnate had no children of his own, he adopted Horatius as his own son. Horatius is now full heir to all of Augustus’ possessions, and now sells his father’s merchandises to the citizens of Roawia.

Receiving Rewards by Calculus3.14, on Flickr
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Re: LCC Character Introduction Challenge

Post by Fireglade »

I, Madadh Snowstorm, now Lord Madadh Wolfsong, was born on a summer night when the moon was full and the summer wind blew softly. I was born the child of Sir Snowstorm who by birth was a Garhiem but due to marriage left his original province and came to Lenfald where his wife, my mother, Lady Summerborn of Lenfald, lived. They lived in the capital city of Lenfald, Stonewald. During my childhood, my parents decided that we would go to Garhiem for the winters to teach me how to survive the harsh winters in the mountains as well as the trades of the Garhim. In the north I learned how to fish and the value of swordplay. Throughout the winters my heart and inner strength grew strong. I spent the summers in the forests of Lenfald where my muscles were strengthened from years hauling lumber. I learned the gracefulness of Lenfald with a bow and how to hunt through any weather. As a boy, people said I demonstrated almost “unnatural” abilities in the trials I was put through. I could start a fire the fastest even when the wood was wet or with no wood at all. And in Lenfald my arrows almost seem to bend to hit the target. I knew then that I was unique.
Unfortunately, this happy childhood was not to last forever. At the age of 13, my parents caught a plague and passed away. The night they died, I left Stonewald, I sailed across Everlyn’s Tears Lake and ran away into the Wandering Woods. Lenfels who knew me condemned me dead. And eventually forgot about me.
Four years later, I appeared in a small little village that was being attacked by some Outlaws. The townsfolk say that like a ghost I ran from the Wandering Woods with arrows flying from my quiver. Outlaws started falling to my rain of death. After the arrows ran out I drew my sword and the Outlaws fought against me. Ten to one were my odds, yet I defeated them all. Witnesses say that it looked like wolves were circling me, attacking those who were against me, taking blows to protect me. The remaining Outlaws threw down their weapons and swore loyalty to me. I granted their request and the townsfolk accepted me as their lord.
Now I am called Lord Wolfsong (I adopted the name Wolfsong instead of Snowstorm due to the rumors that wolves protect me in battles). I am now 17 and I rule the small outpost of Cagar Tuath (Northern Whispers). I sent Howard Greenwyn to the High Lord of Lenfald’s castle where he pleaded for some men to help me defend this small village. In return for the men the High Lord made me a bounty hunter. I am supposed to send squadrons of soldiers after those who wrong the province of Lenfald and bring them to this town to face judgment. In Cagar Tuath they call me Lord Wolfsong, Warlock of Cagar Tuath. My soldiers are called the Wolfsclaw.
The years that I spent in the Wandering Woods are called Lord Wolfsong’s Lost Years. No one knows what happened to me in the forest. And all I have told them is “I will never forget what happened to me in the forest. I learned deep things about myself, I grew stronger, faster and wiser and the events that happened in there have made me who I am.” Some whisper that in the Wandering Woods, I met someone who helped me to survive… or something.

Written this day in the journal of
Lord Madadh Wolfsong

Lord Wolfsong CIC (Writing in Journal) by Fireglade, on Flickr
Last edited by Fireglade on Mon May 28, 2012 10:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: LCC Character Introduction Challenge

Post by wobnam »

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Re: LCC Character Introduction Challenge

Post by matuku13 » ... _thumb.jpg This is General Leslaw moving to take control of some lenfald forces under attack from the north. He is a Lenfald native and has fought in the military all his life and was recently called back into service. His home-town was named Leaffall.
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Re: LCC Character Introduction Challenge

Post by wobnam »

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Re: LCC Character Introduction Challenge

Post by Ecar »

Scrope Jareckson, Wolf-pack outlaw, runs like no one else.
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Re: LCC Character Introduction Challenge

Post by LegoLord. »

Here's my entry: The Arrival of Cormac VII

And here's a pic of my character with the official colors (I don't have yellow flags): Image

I can't wait.
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Re: LCC Character Introduction Challenge

Post by friskywhiskers »

Here is My CIC:


Sir Edwyn is an honest and respectable merchant of the province of Lenfald. He is part of the third generation of the rich and powerful Fystasad Merchant Family, which rose to great fame and influence after his grandfather, Celasaer, introduced standardized weights to Roawia. This innovation made trade between the provinces far easier then before, when merchants struggled to calculate the exchange rates between three different units of measurement. However, this fame comes with a price. Sir Edwyn must travel armed at all times lest he be captured and held for ransom by the loathsome outlaws! This would rob him of the gold he needs for his greatest ambition: to cross the stormy seas that surround Roawia, and find new land, bringing glory and fortune to his province!

Here Sir Edwyn is pictured strolling along a road between Falkanborg and his hometown of Bladefall. He is on his return journey from some successful bartering at a Lenfald-Garheim trading post near the border, hopefully he will return home unscathed!
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Re: LCC Character Introduction Challenge

Post by Daken the Bladesmith »

Ingvar was born in Ugleheim to a messenger and his beautiful wife. Unbeknownst to anyone but the father, his mother gave him a magical potion as a baby that gave him unsurpassable strength. On many occasions people have come to him to help clear their lands of huge rocks and trees for farming. At the age of 12 a seasoned Garheim knight took notice to his exceptional abilities and started training him…


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Re: LCC Character Introduction Challenge

Post by Burlogh »

The Bleeding Claws was one of the last "native" clans near the eastern borderlands of Loreos territory. These fearless warriors, led by the young warchief Burlogh O'Rohal was able to stand against their neighbours for long ages. Regardless his young age, Burlogh's strategic and diplomatic skills were enough to keep his men alive and maintain a prosperous settlement. But a few days ago their enemies launched a huge offensive to clear Bleeding Claws away from the land forever. Main encampement of the Claws was surrounded by allied forces of a dozen local nobles and their mercenaries attacked rest of the camps to cut the way of reinforcement.
The battle was long and brutal. Burlogh and his elite heavy footmen launched a counter-attack against their foe's command tent and killed some of their leaders, but a poisoned arrow of a sure-handed marksman found its way through the wachief's armor. Without him defence of the Claws was broken. The slaughter began and only a few of them survived. Some of the most skilled and loyal warriors cut themselves through enemy lines with the body of the warchief. Witch doctor Klarn Ugbarn slowed the poison and Burlogh survived the night but his clan almost disappeared. Almost...
Until he is alive, clan of the Bleeding Claws alives too! With the remains of his men, Burlogh is roaming around the borderlands, trying to find more survivors. His plan is march south afterwards and build a new home.


More pictures about the mighty Bleeding Claws could be find here.

/Sorry for grammar errors, english is not my native language. I hope my story is acceptable though./
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Re: LCC Character Introduction Challenge

Post by wobnam »


It can sometimes take me a while to get around to approving entries. If you want to enter a contest or challenge but aren't approved yet, you can still enter and your contest points will be added once your CIC entry has been approved.
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Re: LCC Character Introduction Challenge

Post by Crazycrownieguy »

Hello my fellow Garhims i'm Captain Rufus Song, son of Lord Eric Song and Lady Emily Song, me and my small army are pleased to join the great nation of Garhim.
Here you can see me with a small squad of my best troops.
Last edited by Crazycrownieguy on Thu Mar 07, 2013 9:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
For the glory of Garhim!!!
Captain Rufus Song
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Re: LCC Character Introduction Challenge

Post by wobnam »

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Re: LCC Character Introduction Challenge

Post by DONALD13 »

Lord Kellen Stout of East Stowburn, a leal servant to the Lorean family, and protector of all things Loreesi, has been trusted to protect one of the richest cities in all of Roawia. Born from an old and affluent family, Kellen has carried the banners in protecting the northeast border for near 65 years and in his prime was unmatched on horseback. Now in the twightlight of his life he remains unmatched, but now as commander of the Pride, the northern army conprised heavily of the famed Loreesi cavalry.

Blessed with a large family, he grooms them to carry the Stout name and legecy. Their estates are on the northern side of the Stowburn river in the foothills of the Loreesi gold mines, they are trusted to police the mining & trade operation of Gold town. Welll off, but humble they provide security to the city and to the surrounding area. ... hotostream
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