LCC-Lenfald Official Faction Thread.

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Re: LCC-Lenfald Official Faction Thread.

Post by Teherean »

Ships and boats contest VOTING POST!

Hey everyone!

I think we had a great contest here! So many people new to building boats made some great creations! We saw some clever techniques and there were things that I never even saw before! But now, it's up to you to decide the winners of this contest! You may now cast your vote on one of the entries!


click on the names of the participants to find their respective threads in the MOC's forum.


Rules and How to Vote!

- Voting will be done by sending Teherean (FO) a private message.
- You are only allowed to vote once, so give it good thought!
- You are not allowed to vote for your own entry.
- To prevent fraud, I am afraid forum members with less than 3 posts are NOT allowed to vote.
- Non-Lenfald members are NOT allowed to vote.

EDIT: Voting closes 5 days from opening, that is JULY 2nd 2012 - 23:59 EUROPEAN TIME (Amsterdam/Bruxelles)

Include at least the following things in your message:

- Your name and character name
- The name of the participant you're voting for (obviously).
- OPTIONAL: One smiley to make me enjoy the enormous amount of work I have to do being your overseer. :halo:

Particpants, good luck! Other Lenfels, VOTE VOTE VOTE!

- Teherean
Last edited by Teherean on Wed Jun 27, 2012 9:26 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: LCC-Lenfald Official Faction Thread. *SnBC VOTING OPEN!*

Post by AK_Brickster »

Don't forget, participants can also vote, just not for themselves :mrgreen:
Looking forward to seeing who comes out on top!
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Re: LCC-Lenfald Official Faction Thread. *SnBC VOTING OPEN!*

Post by Teherean »

Right-o, AK! Participants, don't forget to vote yourself, but not FOR yourself. ;)
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Re: LCC-Lenfald Official Faction Thread. *SnBC VOTING OPEN!*

Post by Fireglade »

When does voting end?
I want to make a good thought out vote so I think I will sleep on it. Or do I have to put a vote in pronto?
Just checking.
Last edited by Fireglade on Thu Jun 28, 2012 12:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: LCC-Lenfald Official Faction Thread. *SnBC VOTING OPEN!*

Post by Medieval Guy »

There are lots of great entries! It'll be hard to choose just one.
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Re: LCC-Lenfald Official Faction Thread. *SnBC VOTING OPEN!*

Post by Albatross_Viking »

Lolbutcheredlink :raiseone:
Good luck everybody, there are definitely some great entries to consider here!
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Re: LCC-Lenfald Official Faction Thread. *SnBC VOTING OPEN!*

Post by Teherean »

The voting post has been fixed. Sorry for the dents, boyos!
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Re: LCC-Lenfald Official Faction Thread. *SnBC VOTING OPEN!*

Post by soccerkid6 »

A lot of great entries to choose from!
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Re: LCC-Lenfald Official Faction Thread. *SnBC VOTING OPEN!*

Post by friskywhiskers »

Indeed, this was a tough choice. I think the boats with the custom hulls have a very good chance of winning, as they are more original and creative. :)
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Re: LCC-Lenfald Official Faction Thread. *SnBC VOTING OPEN!*

Post by Bluesecrets »


Once more I have to come here and remind you that your comments need to contain CONTENT, not just one like statements that do not further the discussion. The comments you are making are chat like...and yes we DO have a chat room that you CAN use. We have a private message system that you can use.

If your comment is not adding content to the thread please do not make it. I do not want to have to lock any of these threads but if I have to keep having to repeat myself about this, I will.

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Re: LCC-Lenfald Official Faction Thread. *SnBC VOTING OPEN!*

Post by Muskey15 »

@Fellow Lenfels: Blue is right. Try to not get our faction's thread locked, huh?

Anyways, I finally decided to get two free builds off my camera which I've had on there for a while, filling my quota for June.

1.A late free build addition to the Outlaw Campaign.


Even with the speed provided by his "borrowed" fishing trawler, Seamus O'Callaghan, Marcus Aurelius, and the two Lenfel soldiers still make landfall in Outlaw territory relatively late in the campaign. They come to the aid of a squad of Lenfel soldiers ambushed while returning home, fighting a group of outlaws in the ruins of an old fortress.

2.The 2nd free build for June, a continuation of my entry for the "Industrious Lands of Lenfald" contest.


While cutting lumber to sell, Seamus O'Callaghan and Marcus Aurelius disturbed a hideous monster of unknown origin, which chases them out of the forest and onto the plains of Lenfald.


"Master, it's gaining on us!"
"I know, Marcus, I know. Don't pressure me. You're the one who left my bottle back there."
"Sorry Master."
"It's not alright."

The monster is the result of a combination of the legs of General Grievous' bike and one of the dragons from the fantasy sets, along with a few extra pieces.


Sorry for the long post, but it's better than double posting, right?

@Teherean: I will PM you with an update on my personal score. Thanks!
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Re: LCC-Lenfald Official Faction Thread. *SnBC VOTING OPEN!*

Post by Fireglade »

A freebuild for the month of June...
Dancing with Faeries
Dancing with Faeries by Fireglade, on Flickr

This morning as I was walking through the wandering woods, I saw a blur of red. Thinking that very unusual I stopped to get a better look at it. A moment later, I was shocked to discover it was a young girl probably around the age of eleven dancing on either side of a small stream. I smiled to see her so happy even in this time of war. I stood watching for a moment when suddenly out of the water tiny faeries came out of the water. My mind reeled when I saw that faeries were dancing with her because faeries believe that to look upon them is the greatest joy. With a word, I heightened my vision and saw a faint outline around the girl with some strands leading to the fairies. After seeing this, my growing fears had been confirmed.
This girl it seemed had a very powerful aura indicating she had magic within her. The faeries were feeding off of her, draining her aura and life force to themselves. Understanding the danger she was in if the faeries continued I advanced to her. When the faeries saw me coming they dove back into the water. When the girl, saw her friends had disappeared she turned to me and said “What’s wrong with you? Why do you make my friends leave?” I saw recognition cross her face. She realized who I was and turned to flee but I caught her wrist before she vanished into the wood.
“Where are your parents?” I asked softly.
“Dead.” she said trying to escape my grasp.
“How old are you?”
“Twelvish. Are you going to punish me for doing what is forbidden by the High Lord?”
“No, I don’t think I will because…you see, I also have your gift.” I told her. She stopped her struggling and looked at me.
“Show me.” Her eyes hardened, taunting me. I released her, sure she wouldn‘t run, and started chanting. Flame appeared in my palm and I held it aloft.
“That’s weak.” She said. To show off, I threw the flame into the water where it continued burning.
“How do I know it’s real?” She asked. I picked up the fire and brought it close to her so she could feel its heat. She took a step back.
“How would you like me to teach you what I know?” I asked, tossing the fire between my hands.
She hesitated a moment then she reached out and took the fire from me weaving it between her fingers for a second before it died. She looked at me again. “Ok.”

NOTE: The faeries that I saw dancing with her were Moonwater faeries. These small humanoid creatures enjoy living in rushing streams. Having both gills and lungs allow them an amphibious life. Faeries drink the magic of a human because it gives them a pleasing feeling.
This is some of my knowledge of these mysterious creatures.

Written this day in the journal of
Lord Madadh Wolfsong

This is the scene of Lily Hearthorn, the girl, dancing with the fairies, built mainly to be a prequel to an application to the mages guild. I also wanted to practice my ground work and trees. Any suggestions and critiques are welcome.
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Re: LCC-Lenfald Official Faction Thread. *SnBC VOTING OPEN!*

Post by Teherean »


Whew, this voting makes judging A LOT easier. Let me start by saying that all contestants did a great job! The essence of the challenge was caught in every entry! Great work!

Winner of this challenge, and receiver of a whopping 16 personal points is:

SargeantChipmunk 44 with "The Galluline"

Great job Sarge! :D

Here's the top 3:

1. SargeantChipmunk44 - The Galluline (5 votes)
2. Fireglade - Test of the Nereid (4 votes)
3. Elderon - The Bulls Horn (3 votes)

Again, congrats to the winners, and thanks to all of you for making this a great LC!

The voting system we used to determine the winner this time will also be implemented in the next General Contest (to be launched VERY soon). The faction members will elect their faction's finalist from amongst their brethren. So, get ready to build, and after that, get ready to vote!

- Teherean

EDIT: I've updated the scores, go check yours out on page 1!
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Re: LCC-Lenfald Official Faction Thread.*VOTING RESULTS ARE

Post by Albatross_Viking »

Congo Rats to the winner/runner ups, the chosen entries sure deserved it. Good to see my fellow Lenfels have such a good taste in boats :)
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Re: LCC-Lenfald Official Faction Thread.*VOTING RESULTS ARE

Post by Teherean »

Hey guys!

This is for our newer members, but most of you should also know this.

If and when you wish to enter a free build, or an entry for something, please notify me with a PM and include a link to your MOC in that PM. This makes counting points a WHOLE LOT easier. Muskey and Fireglade, I counted the freebuilds on this page, but in the future please PM me as soon as you enter them (and this counts for all of you).

To all of you: I see no problem in sharing your creations with us all in this thread as well, but I don't always have the time to read back and see your builds, nor to scrounge the MOC-forum for Lenfald freebuilds. One PM will be an easy way to ensure everybody's score is up-to-date every time.

Thanks for the read, and for all the Americans here a late happy Independence Day from Holland! (god that movie is bad, but I watch it every time. ;))

- Teherean
AFOL, Brony, Yeah... I am a child at heart!

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