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Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2004 10:02 pm
by Formendacil
Let's rename this thread the Knight in Shining Armour, because that's so much nicer and original. I'm getting sick of seeing "KK2" in thread titles...

Just think how awesome a Knight In Shining Armour would have looked during the KK1 era.

Chrome Euro armour, crome euro helm, chrome greatsword, chrome shield. White horse, white plume, white pennant. White and blue torso and pants. Blue (With white printing) barding and headstall.

That would have been AWESOME!!!

Man, now I REALLY want a Knight in shining armour....

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2004 10:17 pm
Formendacil wrote: ...Just think how awesome a Knight In Shining Armour would have looked during the KK1 era.
Man, now I REALLY want a Knight in shining armour....
Man now I do too. You described it perfectly! and more bad guys for him to fight. Like a horde of bad guys, not just two. that'd rock

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2004 10:28 pm
by Formendacil
LEGOFREAK wrote:...and more bad guys for him to fight. Like a horde of bad guys, not just two. that'd rock
A horde of bad guys would be even more awesome than a Knight in Shining Armour....

How about we have TLC make a theme that has one good guy and a dozen baddies? They can give them names and everything, but put the odds a little more unfavourably. I mean, what do the KK2 dudes do when they meet Vladek? Draw lots to see who fights him?

Come on! Those four ganging up on him? He wouldn't have a chance. Well, maybe if he was on his horse....

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2004 11:18 pm
by Draygen
I think TLC learned about that mistake, thus the future looks good with Rogue Knights, Gargoyles and that evil Sorcerer. Vladrek got his butt kicked and now its time for him to get reinforcements.

So instead of 4 vs 2, it'll be 4v5 (thats only 1 of each, im guessing multiple rogue knights and gargoyles) So we'll get some bad guy love soon.

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2004 1:25 am
by ottoatm
Hmm... you know, it's true... bad guys are almost always cooler than the good guys... and I think that most people prefer to have a lot of cool-looking baddies... good point - I really can't wait to see what these new "evil-doers" are gonna look like... but my poor wallet probally can. :?

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2004 4:35 pm
by lemon_squeezer2
I have to honestly say that KK2 is very – unsatisfactory. However, for The Lego Company it’s just fine. These sets are targeted for the 7-12 age group. 15 year olds like me are a minority. We simply do not count in the scheme of things. While we might be offered sets like the ISD, the AT-AT, and the Sopwith Camel, these are models if anything. The castle line does not fall under that. If I were to ask the nine year old kid down the street what he thought of KK2, he would probably say it is great.

All I can say about your observation James is that it was frank and to the point – a little too blunt if anything, but it still is the truth. I’m afraid that all kid’s want today is prepackaged action. To go a bit farther, a lot of them simply don’t want to think for themselves. They will go for whatever seems to be most exciting.

Could the whole “Knights in shining armor” thing work? Yes it could I - think. The reason why it didn’t work for KKI is that the whole theme was rather bungled. However, I believe TLC has found it more convenient to siphon off some of the hype over Bionicle and give it some new life. It’s just a little transition over to a new medium. For people like me, it is disgusting and useless, but from a marketing standpoint, it works.

The Lego Company isn’t there to make historical minded people like me happy – it is there to make money. As it so happened, kids in the 80s’ found somewhat historically inspired sets neat – they sold well too. Nowadays the computer and fast action video games have taken over. Lego has had to adapt whether we like it or not. Think of the company’s motto now – “Play on” has replaced the “Just imagine”. It’s all about playability now and KK2 seems to offer a lot of that. Sadly though, it is rather superficial and once that gets old, the child will move onto something else.


I want to stress a point here. Now matter how much KK2 is packaged to be an “action toy” it still is a building toy – it is Lego just the same. You can use pieces from the sets with better more appealing themes such as the designer series and the Trains line. That is the whole point with Lego and that’s what keeps it above the crowd.

Note the designer sets now. They have proved that well designed building sets can sell well too. What I am trying to say is that Lego still has an edge here. Could KK2 be better? Yes – it could be. In fact I think Lego is really trying to fix the problems they’ve made – While Valdek’s siege tower still falls short of the mark, it is a big step forward. If you don’t like KK2 though, ignore it – that’s what I have done.

Before I end there, I want to make another point. What if Lego came out with everything we hoped for and wanted? What would I do? OK, I might buy a set or two, but with awesome sites like Bricklink, I can get exactly what I want for my projects. To be frank, I have more fun building my own stuff rather than an official Lego set no matter how good it is.

Thank you for you post though James. Just try to be a bit more diplomatic next time ;)