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Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 4:31 am
by Rubberchickenknight
Lokr ran forward towards the three archers, dodging the hastily shot arrows. In a few quick strides, he had reached them, and they did not have the sense to pull out their forestman daggers. Lokr aimed a kick at the head of one while simultaneously hitting another with the pommel of his sword and punching the last with his free hand. In seconds, they were all lying stunned on the ground, and Lokr unstrung their bows and tied them up. Then, he quickly ran back to his campsite and packed up his bedding. All the action was making him tired. I'm not a young man anymore, he thought.

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 4:54 am
by pacman110011
Seth couldn't sleep. His mind was on all the deaths of that day. Geoffrey on the other hand had no problem- he was snoring loudly, sword and shield by his side. His helmet rested on the short table in the corner of the room. Seth heard people outside. The door opened and a man in a red uniform stepped in. He shut the door. He stared at the blood on Seth's coat for a short time before going to lie down. Seth decided to speak first.
"So, what do ya' think of the king?"

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 5:19 am
by Lamanda2
"So, what do ya' think of the king?"
Does he know that I met the Prince?.. Have these men been following me? Thought James. Could these be the men who abushed me...?!
"The k-King??" James said nevously.
"That's right. The King. What do ya' think of him?" Said the man.
"Never met him." James said.
"Yes. But whadd'ya think of him? Does he seem a good fella' to you?" Replied the man.
"Of course! I wouldn't be a Soldier in his army if I hadn't cared for him. He seems a good man.. Wouldn't you agree?"
After saying those words the man became silent, and turned over in his bed, facing the wall.
Oh boy.. What have you gone and done this time.. James thought to himself.

As James lay on his bed trying to get to sleep, he fealt as if he were laying on something. He reached down to the bottom of his leg and realized his dagger was still strapped on. After removing it he quietly walked over to the small end table to set it down. Not being able to see in the dark of the night, James tripped and fell into the small table, causing the helmet and other equipment to clatter to the ground!

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 6:02 am
by Remyth
Sir Enithador, having delivered the soldier to the inn, trotted back to the prince and his other companion. He caught up with them right at the gate of the castle. He quickly blew a call on his horn, and the gates were drawn aside. As they passed, the men saluted.

They rode through a large courtyard to another gate. This, too, was drawn back at a blast from the horn. They then rode a short distance till they were met by three servants. These men took the horses to the stable, as the Prince and his guard slowly walked into the King's throne-room.

The king was talking to his advisor when they came in, but he quickly noticed his lone son entering the room. He stood up suddenly, surprising his advisor, who sprawled on the floor, and ran to greet his son.

"No problems, then, my son?" He asked hopefully, with a grin. His face fell as he saw his son's face grow grave, along with those of his honor-guard. "Well..." He inquired.

"Well..." started the prince, "I was right. The Crusaders are massing their armies on our borders, and the Black Knights have no interest in our plight."

"Dark and distressing news you bring, my son," said the king. "I shall have to try to negotiate with the Crusaders. These are not times in which I wish to start a war. I have heard a growing number of rumors of even greater threats to come. A skeletal army is ellegedly gathering in the Dark Forest. The decent Men of that place, the Forestmen, are being found more often in other woods. They are frightened. I do not need two enemies at my doorstep at this time."

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 3:22 pm
by Sir Kohran
Galdrutt entered a small backroom which was used as a sort of secret bank by those known to the inn. It was mostly secret; it was concealed from the common thieves by a magic spell that prevented anyone with less than honourable intentions from finding it. How exactly this spell worked was unknown - it had just been there for as long as any could remember.

But Galdrutt's intentions were only of his own business. Placing his things on the table, he unlocked a cupboard and pulled out a chest. Inside was a kite shield, with the lion standard of the Royal Knights on the front. He placed it on his arm for the first time in many months, and felt an aura of belonging and safety that had been missing for a long time. It really has been too long. Galdrutt thought as he took off the Crusader shirt and replaced it with his own worn but sturdy jerkin. It felt far more comfortable and secure. He took a deep breath and gathered his things, placing his blank shield in the chest, and taking out some extra coins. Then he marched out of the room back into the pub. His shield drew a few queer looks, but nothing more.

Tapher smiled, still in his same spot behind he bar. "Good to see you in that again - that ugly Crusader thing was putting customers off." the man laughed.

"It's a start." Galdrutt murmured.

"Well if that's how you're going to be...whatever, good luck. And keep out of the way of the Black Falcons." Tapher answered.

"I intend to." came the answer, as Galdrutt strode out of the inn onto the open road. He headed down the nearest road.

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 2:06 am
The sun was setting as the group met in the inn. All wore long faces save one, Garis. His face shone with excitement and he was eager to tell his story. Finally it was his turn.

“Garis, have you found out anything interesting?” Kurtec asked, turning from Serj’e who had absolutely nothing to talk about.

“Yes I do!” He replied with great excitement. “I’ve found out that the Knights Kingdom, Bull alliance has almost twenty base plates of farmland that belongs to the Crusaders!”

“Yay, how does that help us?” Serj’e asked impatiently.

“Yeah,” added Jargon, “who cares about Crusaders and Knights Kingdom, we need something that’ll let us score big with them Black Falcons”

“Firstly,” Kurtec said a frown on his face. “You don’t interrupt while another is speaking. Secondly, we are Black Falcons, even if we were sent away so we should not be referring to our kingdom as ‘them’. Now I believe Garis is on to something, go on Garis.”

“Well you see, if you would pay more attention, you’d realize that the Crusaders are amassing for an attack on our home. If the king were to explain this to the current Crusader’s prince, he can stop all threats right there.”

“This sounds like a great plan Garis, just a few things. Do we have proof to this statement? Furthermore, how many people know about this? And last, how can we get in contactwith the king?”

“The old fellow I was speaking to has papers of the last exchange of that land, it was in the last years of the previous prince. He says he’ll sell them, probably at a heavy price. About who knows, he said he’s hinted to one knight, the bugler of the Black Falcons, that he knows how to stop the war. However for an even bigger price he’ll stay quite.”

“Hmm. if we can get in contact with this fellow we’ll be in great shape. All right, tommorow we meet this elder and after that, it’s home for us!”

There was much back slapping as the party headed towards there respective rooms.

“Good job Garris, sorry I was so sharp,” Serj’e said.

“It’s allright partner, let’s get to bed though, we have much to do tommorow.”

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 5:42 pm
by Maedhros
“I said, go away!”

Alcander shrugged sadly as he watched the thief disappear among the trees. He put back the sword that he had been forced to show to the thief in its scabbard. Oh, how he longed for his home, for civilized lands. He had had enough of the Wolfpack now, more than enough even. But what could he do more than follow his orders? At least he was on his way home now.

A few hours later he could make out a building in the distance. An inn perchance? he thought hopefully. He spurred on his horse at the thought of food and drink, and for the first time in many a day a smile adorned his features. As he got closer he could distinguish it clearly. Yes, it was an inn, ragged and untidy but an inn. Just as he was about to dismount his horse someone came out of the door. Alcander immediately fingered on the hilt of his sword (he had gotten that habit while travelling in the lands of the Wolfpack) but the moment later he spotted the Royal Knight crest on the shield of the stranger.

A Royal Knight here? As misplaced as I am then…Who would have thought I´d find an ally and neighbour here?

“Good day to you, I am Gnaeus Angelus Alcander of Florentia. What brings you to this part of the World?”

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 8:51 pm
by pacman110011
That fool, thought Seth, it doesn't matter that yo're in his army- he don't care about you. You're nothing to him, only used to help himself. Take a' look at that boy over ther'- he protected himself and it got him thrown out of 'is homeland. Fool...
"So, its seems as if you don't like the King too much- any reason why?" James said.
"Why do 'ya think?"
"Well, I dun..."
"Treats his men like dirt, thats why! Me and this old guy here, we protected ourselves- got thrown out of Falconia!"
Seth got out of his bed and started yelling at James loudly, unable to control his rage.
"Payed me over twenty coins less than agreed on! Threw him," Seth pointed at Geoffrey, "out of the army! Thats why I don't like him! Thats why I hate 'im! Thats why I'll make him pay..."
With that, Seth returned to his bed. James was slightly frightened at this point, but he started to speak.

Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 3:18 am
by Lamanda2
James was slightly frightened at this point, but he started to speak.
"While I can understand that you have been betrayed, does that really give you such reason to kill the King?" James started.
"Think about it. If you go through with such they'll have your heads for sure!"

Seth then raised up from his bed and started yelling once again.
"Does it give us reason? Of coarse it gives us reason! This man threw us out of the city! Is that any way to treat One of your men?!"

"Of coarse it isn't. But killin's not going to solve that!"
James shouted.
"What would you know anyways. Yer just a kid, a Megablocks stubborn kid!"
Replied Seth.
The two argued over the matter for several more minutes, until finally Geoffrey jumped up out of his bed.
"Stop your nonsense, the both of you!!"
He shouted loudly.

After that, there was no more said between the three minifigs.
James quietly went back over to his bed, grabbing his dagger back from the small table as he walked by.
"I'll be damned if the King'l be killed off by this lot.. No way, not if I have anything to do with this."

Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 7:25 pm
by sarous
Syreen sat astride his faithful horse Icefire atop a hill overlooking the forest that the black falcons made their hideout. The horse whinnyed as a lone wolf came running from the forest. the wolf stops infront of syreen and whines. syreen the dismounts from his horse and leads it into the forest and is then ambushed by black falcons...

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 6:25 pm
by Lamanda2
It was early in the morning when Bane and two other minifigs were preparing his ship to sail. The sun rising from below the glistening ocean was a beautiful sight, but the men hadn't a chance to stop and look- they were just too busy.
Their work was finally finished, and the men were now prepared to leave.

"Set sail! Weigh anchor!"
Commanded the Captain.

They were now heading out to sea. But where were they going?
Nowhere in particular, just out exploring the vast ocean. Perhaps they would sail to another part of this continent, or travel somewhere new.

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 9:48 pm
by Rubberchickenknight
Lokr ran quickly through the forest, eyes peeled for signs of Forestmen and their fiendish traps. The bundle on his back may have been heavy, but he felt no weight as adrenaline kicked in. How had he let himself wander into Forestman territory? he thought to himself, and pushed on through the brush. He heard birds whistling and singing, and hoped Forestmen were not out enjoying the weather. Then Lokr saw sunlight ahead, and ran towards it. The road! He was saved. The road would lead him to the border. He reached the road, and saw a brook running alongside it. He knelt down and drank heavily, then continued on his way. No longer running for his life, Lokr felt the pack drag down on his back. As he wandered down the path, the sun beat down on him. Then he looked out and saw... the border posts! Painted black, Lokr thought. No wonder I didn't see them in the dark. I should really call a Council of Nations to address this issue. No wonder so many travellers get lost on the dark and lonely paths of the Northern Forests. Then he remembered that he could not call a council. He was an outcast, and held no political power. It was all because of my niece. How I hate her! Oh well, he thought. At least I'm seeing more things in the world than I usually would back at home in my Great Hall, on the island of Norkland, home of the mighty Vikings. Remembering fondly, he was jolted out of his dreams as an arrow flew by his feet! He looked in the direction of the forest on one side of the path and saw a cloud of black arrows raining down on him! He quickly turned around, and ran for the border. No, don't! he heard a voice in his head say. If you run, you will be shot down. Quick! Jump behind that rock in the stream! Trusting the strange voice, Lokr jumped behind the rock.

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 10:02 pm
by Sir Kohran
Maedhros wrote:“Good day to you, I am Gnaeus Angelus Alcander of Florentia. What brings you to this part of the World?”
"Fate n' luck, or whatever else you believe drives men like
us around the four corners of the Wide World. But I'm only a simple wanderer, I'm afraid. Not one of the Wolfpack thieves however, thank fortune. I see you're one of the Black Knights?"

As he spoke, he surveyed this Alcander stranger. Though he seemed most out of place in this squalor, Galdrutt was actually pleasantly surprised to see such a decent-looking fellow in this anarchic, dirty society - he appreciated some evidence of genuine civilization. It made a change from the constant Wolfpack scum that were passing by them in the road all the time, at least.

"Yes, that's correct. I was born and raised a Black Knight. I've been here on an errand for the Order of the Twilight. Have you heard of them, by any chance?" Alcander asked.

Galdrutt frowned. "Can't say as I have. How well known are you?"

Alcander seemed a bit surprised by such a probing question, but he still answered nicely. "Well, I'm still fairly new so I'm not really able to say, but we've fought alongside the Royal Knights before; against the Viking raiders last year."

Galdrutt was confused and annoyed. "Oi, I just said I was a wander-" Then it dawned on him. "Er, sorry, of course - my shield here is a bit misleading. Must have been down to that bloody beer in there. Well...I was a Royal Knight, once upon a time, probably before yours. It's just I only got this right now, actually."

Alcander gazed at him. The man was young but shrewd - Galdrutt could tell by the look in his eyes that he was sceptical of this explanation, to say the least.

"Sounds odd, dunnit?" Galdrutt chuckled, before remembering his language and etiquette. I've spent too long talking with the filth... "It's an odd story. I'll tell you it some time." He quickly changed the subject.

"So, what errand were you on? What would bring a reasonable-looking bloke like you to this mess of a country?"

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 10:14 pm
by Rubberchickenknight
Jarvis yelled frantically from his home under the Northern Forests.
"No, don't! If you run, you will be shot down. Quick! Jump behind that rock in the stream!"
As he shouted, he was staring at a pool of water, which depicted a Viking running down the path through the forest. Magically, he appeared to have heard what had been said as he jumped behind the rock.
Jarvis through some herbs in the water frantically, and yelled,
"Press the stone knob at the base of the rock!"
In the water, the man knelt down, pressed the rock, and a crunch was heard.

Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 6:58 pm
by sarous
three black falcons dropped from the trees and ambushed Syreen, his wolf pet sat beside the horse as his master comanded him to and syreen pulled his black mithril scimitars from they're sheaths in and parried the first strikes in one fluid motion as if expecting the attack.during the duel the enchanted mask that hid syreen's drow heritage came off and the falcons started to run when syreen dropped to his knees as if in defeat. the three falcons nervously walked towards the kneeling drow and then syreen spoke "i am here to join the black falcons because i have no place to call home, i am not like my race because i show Honor and mercy to my foes if they show me the same."