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Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 9:27 pm
by MaceyWindu
A use for the legs and arms of Jayko (baby blue knight) is to mix them with dark blue legs and arms on the new Crownie quartered torso. It looks great, but then it does only use arms and legs.

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 3:44 pm
by Count Blacktron
I have many rainbow brothers. I bult them up because they were on the cheap. That's the best way to buy LEGO, regardless of coloring. Sure the baby blue is somewhat off, the red is very garish and the purple is bright, but they make for a good parade corps of knights. With all the gray, tan and brown colors I build in these colors make them stand out nicely as a sort of celebratory city guard.

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 4:52 pm
by MoonCheese
I have a red one and a dark blue one, I think...I plan to put them with the crownies, as "special" knights or something. Or just rich, pretentious knights that like to brag about their specially coloured armour...

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 7:00 pm
by rogue27
Topic wrote:What do YOU do with your KKII rainbow knights?
I use them to level furniture.

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 7:17 pm
by the enigma that is badger
I design my various MOC factions around color, so I'm able to find a use for most of the Skittles knights. I also use the "backwards armor as tactical body armor" method, and that's given me a few neat figs. As medieval visors, the KKII visors just don't work for me, but they seem to work pretty well with more sci-fi oriented things!

One of these days I'll have time to post pics, but the way things are going, it'll probably end up being when I have to get everything together for BrickWorld!


Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 5:45 pm
by Coatsy
I've tried with some decent success with getting the Jelly Beans more integrated into the rest of my castle factions.

The green knights have become part of the Forest Men faction. Team Forest Men need some heavy hitters to back up the long ranged bow power. I just mixed black torsos and black legs in with the greens. The visors are not too terrible. They remind me of the gothic type of armor that I’ve seen pictures of in Italian museums.

The red (Santis) knights and purple (Danju) knights are pretty much mercenary companies. They do not fit in well with my other factions. But they do have a purpose. I’ve put tan and gray torsos and legs mixed with red with the red knights and with the purple knights I’ve used black and gray torsos and legs mixed with the purple. I am not a fan of the red knight’s visors, so I am replacing them with the older style visors when I can. The purple knight’s visors are decent.

The light (Jayko) blue knights are tough to integrate, with my factions. I’ve thought about an “Ice Knight” company, but I’ve pretty much put them away. The blue knight visors are not that good so I will eventually replace them with other visors.

The Scorpion Knights (Vladek) are their own faction. They are very very sinister and devious looking so I’ve got enough of them and two of the Vladek’s Dark Fortress to have their own Kingdom. Yes I am a big Vladek fan.

The new Bull, Dragon, Snake, and Horse, knights are very aesthetically pleasing so they pretty much stray they way they are.

With these newer castle designs I that I feel that I can improve them to better fit what I have. I don’t count the Jelly Beans as total losses, but the new Crownies are a vast improvement imo.

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 10:27 pm
by Blueandwhite
I thank the stars that I didn't buy more than $20 worth of KKII. I've only got 5 of these monsters in my collection (purchased for the black breastplate and scorpion barding) and I still regret it.

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 12:53 am
by Lord Brian
This is just me, but I would use them to make some crazy awesome master swordsmen who can just plow through the enemy. Maybe a king or a general's personal bodyguard!

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 2:28 pm
by Count Blacktron
Coatsy wrote:
The blue knight visors are not that good so I will eventually replace them with other visors.
You know, it would be really great if this visor had been in one of the "copper" or metallic colors. You could almost use it for Greco-Roman armor. The helmet configuration really breaks up it's lines the wrong way however, and I think that's one reason many of us dislike the Jayko helm faceplate.

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 3:07 pm
by Username
I don't do anything with them since I avoided them like the plague!


Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 4:43 pm
by doodstormer
I pant their visors and armor silver/black, and use their torsos for various themes and decal ideas. The heads are the coolest Lego's made so far, they work for so many themes.
One of many perks to not restricting myself to one theme, many possibilities.

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2008 12:36 pm
by ClassicCastlesetsftw
I use them to give my Kitchen disposal some use :twisted: !

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2008 2:10 pm
by Garbageman13
I have none of the minifig versions. I had 3 of the action-fig-type versions though. They're currently stashed under my bed, of no use whatsoever.

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2008 3:40 pm
by ottoatm
I have them as an isolated island kingdom divided up into several factions... not too original, but I like some of the ideas I've gotten here - maybe I'll mix and match 8)

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 3:51 pm
by WhiteFang
To describe Knights Kingdom figures, as rainbow knights certainly is a great way to highlight.

I have quite a few of this sets, and most of the time, I find these knights very hard to compliment with my existing Classic collection or current collection, due to its bright color scheme and bulk accessories such as headgear and weapons.

Despite of that, I have assembled these knights into various purposes, by forming them of 4 different elements, with different agenda based. Firstly, the blue knight, could be known as the Griffith Knight, where these blue knights will be gearing up with my griffiths, allowing them to fight via airborne. Secondly, the purple knights are known as my Mage Knights where these knights will wield magical enchanted stones that allow their shields to emit magical beams. Thirdly, the green knights and red knights are known as my riders, whom will ride their steeds to march and protect royal family, which is also known as the Left Wing and Right Wing.

These is how I configure these Rainbow knights in my collection. :)