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Which Helmets can you use?

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2003 10:46 pm
by adm_matthew
In LEGO Castle, which helmets do you use beyond the main group?

I have thought ones you might could use are
The Aviator Cap
and maybe the top hat

Is there anything else you can use?

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2003 10:58 pm
by Dragon Master
Orient Expedition is helpful. The furry hat from the yeti set looks good with a plume. Johnny Thuder's hat is good to. Pirate hats like the bandana, tri-corner, conqistador, the soldiers hats are good to.

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2003 2:52 am
by lemon_squeezer2
Ohhh that's a hard one. :)

Generally I don't stray too much from what were're given, but I find that the bandana fits in nicely here and there. The top hat and the tricorn have too much of a 18th 19th century feel to them though.

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2003 7:42 am
by wlister
I usually stick pretty close to the official castle helmets, but I have used the bandana, tri-corner and conqistador hats for a few of my characters, The orient line in general also has some usable merchant headgear: the turban, the furry hat and the new coolie hat are stand outs from that line. I have also made an occasional custom helm to make a charater stand out. My sig fig has a custom helm and a custom hairpiece.



My Bull Commander also has a slightly modified helmet, I think Anthony was the first to come up with its design though.


I usually only use the Tricorns for merchants and merchant guards, they do look a little 18th century, but my world is based more on Fantasy than history so they work fine for me, I do wish we had more variety though.



Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2003 1:51 pm
by Magnus
Hey, very nice work there!

I also use a blacktron helmet with the blakc visor turned upside down. When pulled down it covers the minifigs eyes, but looks reminiscet reminiscent of a late medieval sallet.

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2003 3:26 pm
by Lord_Of_The_LEGO
Well - Vader's helm seen here works great in any setting! :wink: :lol:

Other than the 'normal' headgear from the castle line, I use:

Minifig Hat Rag
Minifig Hat Wide Brim Flat
Minifig Police Hat (in brown)
Minifig Hat Turban

And to a lesser extent:

Minifig Cap Aviator (in brown)
Minifig Hat Cowboy (in brown)
Minifig Helmet Horned
Minifig Hat Tricorner

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2003 8:23 pm
by Teh Stud
These are both GREAT hats for use:

Minifig Helmet Horned

The Helmet Horned is great for tribal shamans. (I have four "clans", the Deer, Wolf, Snake and Bull clans. They each have green wizards and shamans.)

Minifig Hat Tricorner

The Tricorner hat is great for peasants.

More great hats:

Minifig Mummy Headdress

This could be used for a queen, emporess, etc.

Minifig Helmet Imperial Guard

Yeah, they're expensive, and I havn't bought any either. But they make for a cool ninja, assasin, thief, etc.

Minifig Hood

A hood is great for so many things!

Minifig Helment Conquistador

This helmet is good for variety. I use it for shop guards, temple guards, etc.

Minifig Headdress Jungle

I have one of these. I haven't used it yet, but I figure it will make a good wizard/shaman/sorcerer hat. Maybe. :?

Minifig Hat Mongolian

I kind of like these for mountain adventurers, or even dungeon crawlers. I just ordered myself a couple of these!

Minifig Hair - All ... P&invType=

You can't go wrong with any unique hairpiece from any theme...

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2003 9:27 pm
by adm_matthew
Thanks for the replies guys (and girls?) I just made a Bricklink order for hats so I am covered ;)

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2004 2:03 am
by Snoopy
I rarely stray from the original LEGO Castle helms. However, I have used aviator hats and bandana hats in the past.

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2004 4:28 am
by JPinoy
I use the Rock Raider helmets for my Chinese cavalry. Dunno what good that'll do for knights though. The brim hats are for Greek Peltasts, the rag hats are for Indian troops, and the aviator helmets are for my Egyptians.

I also use those Pirates theme Soldier hats for Phonicians. Mongolian hats for.. well duh, Mongols! and SW hoods for my Khazak armies.

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2004 4:36 am
by Brickboy
Nope! I use pure castle.

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2004 12:20 pm
by Webrain
One of the most usefull ones is of course the SW hood. They should have made it for castle a very long time ago. Waiting for a tan one. Beside that I alsouse the King Kahuka's red hat in reverse mainly for Queens and Jesters.
Also most of the hairs fits well. And I guess thats it....

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2004 12:49 pm
by Mr. D
I mostly use the normal castle helms, but I also use the SW hood (of course) and the bandanna. On a few of my mercenaries, I use the conquistador helm, but mercenaries always are a little untypical/weird/foreign. I also use the long women's hair in brown and black for mercenary types.

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2004 4:25 pm
by Formendacil
Amazingly enough, King Kahuka ranks right up there with Star Wars hoods and conquistador helmets for my non-Castle headpieces that are in common use. I also use bandanas and a most of my hairpieces. I also like aviator hats without the visor, they look like medieval leather hats. At least to me. :D