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What Lego Castle factons make up your Lego Castle World

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 6:12 am
by cdljal
Many Lego Castle colectors have some of many of the "oficial" factions some of us from the earliest sets to the present. Many may only have a scatering of some of the factions and have to do some combining. So my question to you all is what factions make up your Lego Kingdoms?

heres mine
King Leo
He has his men pluss the crownies

the old white and red king
he has the Crusaders, Black Knights, and the men from the old Knights with cart

the Bat Lord
Fright Knights, Black Falkons, Bulls, Dragon Knights.

Willa the Witch
Skeletons, Trolls

to the east I have the Grey Shogun with his grey sameria and ninjas
and the black and white Emperor and the red sameria black and red ninjas

the peasants and forest men I don't have many so they are scatered as peasants.

Re: What Lego Castle factons make up your Lego Castle World

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 10:24 am
by ottoatm
Factions for me are as follows~

-Fright Knights
-Willa & Witches
-Any Clone brand
-Undead, Trolls, Goblins

"Gray Area" - hard to label
-Black Falcons
-Dragon Masters
-Black Knights
-KK2 Factions (all make one kingdom of small princes)
-Crowns (incl. dwarfs)
-Yellow Castle Factions (all make one very lose confederacy of old, weak kingdoms)

-Royal Knights
-Leo's Knights
-Wolfpack (surprise!)

I might have missed some, but you get the general idea. ;-)

One note - for my storytelling, alignment does not necessarily dictate alliances. Friends and enemies are often based on wars, political situations, and etc.

If I could ever publish some of the writing I have done, you'd get a better idea. :-P

Re: What Lego Castle factons make up your Lego Castle World

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 2:11 am
by Elbadar
I have a surprisingly detailed story for each of my factions, but I'll keep it pretty short and simple.

RoyalKnightes;Tallorn, a Celtic-esque kingdom of farmers with a good sized dwarf population in the south east.
Crusaders; Ceneth, a Roman style kingdom that once ruled over the greatest of all human empires. Most kingdoms have some roots in Ceneth. They have recently re-emerged as a dominant kingdom after defeating the crownies.
ShadowKnightes; Assryah, an Armenia-esque kingdom that has been devastated by undead hordes. Only about half the country still survives to fight alongside prince Daquarus.
Crownies; Camtaran Empire, a Holy Roman-esque nation bent on conquest. They are obsessed with Ceneth's old empire.
FrightKnights; Bergan Empire, a huge but weak successor state to the old crusader empire. Most of their armies are mercenaries of various nationalities.
KK1; The Reunited Isles, a small commonwealth of various faiths and cultures, ruled by two kings.
KK2 bear knights; Nithane, a Byzantine-esque successor state of the crusader empire, they have been weakened greatly by war with the crownies.
BlackFalcons; Faldren, an advanced small nation who are the first to discover gunpowder. They are sworn enemies of the Crusaders
Forestmen; The Deepwood Commonwealth, a wealthy group of cities along the woodland trade roades who have banned together to better defend their lands and protect their coffers.

The DragonKnights, BlackKnights, and Bulls are all different mercenaries and principalities inside of the Bergan Empire. I have more factions but they are custom or too generic to describe in terms of the official factions.

Re: What Lego Castle factons make up your Lego Castle World

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 2:25 am
by Blaze Ryder
I have a rather, opposite view of the factions, perhaps from my many years of playing World of Warcraft and shouting/typing "For The Horde".

Crownies: The seemingly dominant faction. The Crownies run the city guard across all the lands and have ties with royal bloodlines. The average crownie is honourable, but as you ascend the ranks you get a real look at the Crownie faction. The top ranks are full of fanatical egomaniacs who are constantly playing a game of intrigue and assassination in order to best their superiors. And in doing so, they have no regrets against manipulating the peasants and their soldiers. Despite the in-warring, these men have worked together to expand their empire across the continent (i.e. think all of Europe, Asia and Africa).

The Mage Towers: An order of magic-users that have congealed together to give them influential weight. In each city and trade hub, this order has constructed an identical tower to the original. The good/evil side of the faction changes from mage to mage. Known memebers include, but are not limited to, priests, wizards, witches, necromancers, sorcerors and druids. An important thing of note is that all magical and scientific institutions are funded by them.

The Dwarves: These short but stout people have recently arrived of the surface after fleeing their single, fortified city. The cause of their flight was an earth elemental summoning gone wrong. Thousands upon thousands of elementals exitted the rift before it timed out. Now with no home, the Dwarves have contracted themselves to the Crownies, cutting open new mines and relying on force to ensure they are not scammed. It is impportant to be aware that while Dwarves may be a minority, they have vast control of the economics of the Crownie lands.

The Rangers: A group of mercenaries who specialize in ranged combat. In each city or trade hub, a local tree is cultivated and transformed through druidic powers into treehouses. They can be hired by anyone for the right price.

The Orcs: The native inhabitants of the mountain ranges, the shamanistic orcs had been living peacefully before the Crownies arrived. Seeing a force of labour and war more powerful per capita than their own, the Crownies attempted to use superior tactics and technology to enslave them. The orcs reactions were less than happy. They called upon their allies: the Trolls, and Beast People (i.e. Giant Trolls, and Adventurer monsters/wookies/minifig piraka/gamoreans). The orcs also began shifting a war culture, using the massive mountains beasts as weapon rather than labour. The orcs and their allies quickly formed under one banner and have been ferociously raiding the Crownies off for years, while attempting to spare innocents. Recently they have sworn allegiancy to the Black Knight Vesz'aste.

The Undead: The usurpers of the Crownie civilians. When a revolt break out in Crownie lands, the Crownieleaders put it down with force. By hiring priests, the Crownies have the rebellion leaders stripped of flesh and blood, left to wander as skeletons the rest of their lives. These skeletons are not powerless, as the retain all skills they had while living, as well as their minds and souls. They too have sworn to Vesz'aste, and in return have been taught how to use magic in a way that lets them fight as if they were in full armour, not just dusty old bones.

The Black Knights: Not the Lego faction of the Black Kinghts. These soldiers are from islands south of the Crownie empire. Under the command of Black Knight Vesz'aste, they have mixed demons into their heritage, sa well as employing them for field use. The goal of the Black Knights is to cut a swath in to Crownie coast, and potentially into the mainland. Only small outposts lie in large cities, otherwise they rely on Undead and Orcish settlements for campaigns.

Bandits: The general term given to any small group of people against the Crownie forces. Similar to the Rangers, bandits will help those who stand against the Crownies for a price. They also offer inland bases for Shipfolk.

Shipfolk: These peple live their whole lives on ships or in water, they only set foot on land when building new boats. And speaking of boats, the Shipfolk are the only ones who know the trade, going so far as to kill traitors and kidnap others who are close to finding out. They have an archeopelago on the other side of the world, surrounded by a ring of islands with a single passage out.

These are my factions. They may seem large, but in reality they are rather small, with the only settlements I have being a port, a town and an orc camp (aside from the boats). I hope to build upon them soon, maybe the next Castle line (read: after Crownies) will have some promising factions.

Re: What Lego Castle factons make up your Lego Castle World

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 2:11 am
by quaraga
I see it as every faction for it's self but with alliances being allowed. the ruling faction is the BF and their major allies are the forestmen(the fm are occupied by the attackers) the bk, and the dm. the crownies and leo are the attacking faction aided by the crusaders. most of the other factions are siding with the bf,bk,fm,dm group but the bulls, fk, rougue knights and shadowknights are in the chaos faction together and kill everyone else they come across. the trolls and vikings are raiders who come to pillage every few months and occasionaly a magic person summons up the skellies. :twisted:

all in all it lines up kinda wwii, america france and the uk vs germany italy and vichy france. so dm=us bk=uk fm=france (not sure about bf)and crusaders=vichy france, crownies=germany (I don't know why maybe I just hate their guts or something.) leo =italy.

Re: What Lego Castle factons make up your Lego Castle World

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 5:45 am
by Blue Moon Knight
Let's see here, we gots:
The humans:
divided into: The Five-Realm-Kingdom, Vikings (for lack of a better term), and the pirates (also for lack of a better term)

The Wizards: Though technically human, they age slower than elves do, and obviously they have a tremendous control over magic. Act as peace keepers, and collectors of knowledge.

The Elves: Tall, fair, long-lived. They like flowers and arrows.

The Dwarves: Short and pudgy. They like rocks. Main source of wealth in the kingdom of man.

Then there are the trolls/troll-akks: Human sized, though a little bigger and stronger. They have green skin, and are akin to the Troll-akks* (who are basically very big bulky trolls.)

* In the troll language troll means rock (reffering to strength and durability), and akk means giant. Troll legend says that when the gods still roamed the earth,the god Ak-baran (big knowledge), who was himself only as large as a normal troll, invented all the words in the troll language. As he was naming the the giants, he was stepped on and crushed by the god Ak-groll (big anger) who was as large as a mountain. Ak-baran's last word was of course: "ACK!" The trolls, who at the time were little more intelligent than the rocks they were named after, mistook his dying exclamation to be his name for giants.

A little history lesson for you all. I may add more factions later, but it's late and I'm tired.

Re: What Lego Castle factons make up your Lego Castle World

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 1:31 am
by Seikfreid
I have several factions-

Crownies - A good faction, ruled by the current Castle King and including all of the Crownie units from sets as well as improved figs such as my "Gondor-style" soldiers in shining armor. Also includes a few custom generals.

Rangers - These are good guys as well. They are forest-dwellers and are immensely loyal to the line of Kings of the Land. They are led by Fangarim, the greatest ranger of them all.

Lion Knights - Good guys, these forces are led by King Leo and always stand ready to fight alongside the Crown King if he should call. Not the richest warriors are included in this faction, but their bravery more than makes up for their lack of good equipment.

Draconians - A somewhat neutral faction, they oppose the Crownies until both factions are forced to unite against the growing dark powers. They include Dragon Master units as well as custom soldiers that I try to relate.

Black Falcons - Mostly neutral, though they are usually found in an alliance with the Draconian forces. THey do not hate or love the Crownies and tend to avoid war with them altogether.

Undead - The evil army, they do my villains' dirty work. This faction includes all of my skeleton units from the Castle line and is commanded by the Black Knight, a custom fig.

Trolls - These are the really bad guys, and they're the heavy combat guys. My trolls are commanded directly by the Dark Lord and have a severe hatred of all men. However, while this makes them dangerous adversaries it also gives the factions of men the incentive to unite against them.

Re: What Lego Castle factons make up your Lego Castle World

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 7:51 am
by KuvarBlodøks

Khaghante of Karaurda Þe Khagan of þe Black Horde rules over þe 10 cities as well as many nomad hordes to þe east and many tribes of forestmen to the west. From Gorvostad Þe Grøt Ubei Khan collects tribute from a far. Many of our kin have settled in þese rølms, fleeing strife at home or seeking wølð as traders. Farmers mostly dwell in þe west, while þe plains are ruled by many horse nomads.

Jøðenland Þe Jøðen and þeir tribal confederates are farmers and cattle herders who live to þe south of þe vikings. Þey are also skilled seafarers and traders. Þey are ruled by þe wizened aþel Cuvar Cyŋ. Jøðen share our Viking race, but are less bold þen in olden times.

Þe Divine Empire Of Tauria Tauria has a long history þat goes back 2000 years. For many hundred years Tauria stagnated under petty rulers. Þe Emperor hired many Unapeg men as confederates. In time Unapegs formed þe Guard Paladine and an Unapeg was even mayor of þe Imperial Palace. In 1887, during a succession crisis, Gazi Pasha forced the Senate to appoint him as Qasar Of All Taurians. Under þe Unapeg Qasars þe empire had it's vigour renewed. Tauria is a land of riches and many cities too marvellous for words to describe.

-Aðaolf Burason.

PS: I'll add more in due time.

Re: What Lego Castle factons make up your Lego Castle World

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 1:22 am
by Tower of Iron Will
KuvarBlodøks wrote:Image

Khaghante of Karaurda Þe Khagan of þe Black Horde rules over þe 10 cities as well as many nomad hordes to þe east and many tribes of forestmen to the west. From Gorvostad Þe Grøt Ubei Khan collects tribute from a far. Many of our kin have settled in þese rølms, fleeing strife at home or seeking wølð as traders. Farmers mostly dwell in þe west, while þe plains are ruled by many horse nomads.

Jøðenland Þe Jøðen and þeir tribal confederates are farmers and cattle herders who live to þe south of þe vikings. Þey are also skilled seafarers and traders. Þey are ruled by þe wizened aþel Cuvar Cyŋ. Jøðen share our Viking race, but are less bold þen in olden times.

Þe Divine Empire Of Tauria Tauria has a long history þat goes back 2000 years. For many hundred years Tauria stagnated under petty rulers. Þe Emperor hired many Unapeg men as confederates. In time Unapegs formed þe Guard Paladine and an Unapeg was even mayor of þe Imperial Palace. In 1887, during a succession crisis, Gazi Pasha forced the Senate to appoint him as Qasar Of All Taurians. Under þe Unapeg Qasars þe empire had it's vigour renewed. Tauria is a land of riches and many cities too marvellous for words to describe.
-Aðaolf Burason.
PS: I'll add more in due time.
I really, really, really, like your map. The text of the names is a bit fuzzy, but the position of the Land masses, although similar to our own planet, is just different enough to be usable.

Re: What Lego Castle factons make up your Lego Castle World

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 12:31 pm
by KuvarBlodøks
I first drew that map about 10 years ago.

Some of the countries are even direct descendants of my originals. That's not the fullsize, that's why it's blurry, tinypic won't let me upload the full 4000x2000 version. I really feel like I should post some Karaurda, maybe the Khaghan and his loyal bodyguard.

Re: What Lego Castle factons make up your Lego Castle World

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 4:46 pm
by RiseBelow71
Mine consist of
Wolf Pack
Crown kingdom
My Favorte :) Black Falcon
Dragon Masters
Green Black Falcon yes I got custom ones
Rohn from lotr I bought alot of minifigs from the seller on brickling named minifigdb
Knights Kingdom
Fright Knights
Scorpian knights

Re: What Lego Castle factons make up your Lego Castle World

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 10:21 pm
by Tedward
I don't worry about the "orthodox" factions. They are background, opponents, allies or all three at the same time for the Baron Stackton and his men:
