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Re: News: Death of the Classic Horse

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 4:12 am
by Username
Stinks about the headgear not fitting but the old horse was looking pretty lame compared to the new molded animals.

Re: News: Death of the Classic Horse

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 10:34 am
by konze
In my opinion the new one is very well. I hope TLC will make a tan horse (at the moment there are brown, white, grey and black) like a Haflinger.

Re: News: Death of the Classic Horse

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 5:03 pm
by Quickblade22
<insert beating a dead horse joke here> So I guess we can forget about Lego making the classic horse widely available in other colors. Not a problem, as long as they give the new ones a better treatment. 30 years and 3 colors?!? Yea yea, I know they made a light bley one, but it wasn't widely available and appeared once in the past 3 years. I'm looking forward to the new different colors. The promise of barding is nice, but I hope some inventive customizer makes their own either out of the canvas we get the capes or the sails from. Their is a template out their for barding. I bet with a few alterations, someone could make a good one. I just hope the testing done by "core target audience of 5-10 yr old boys" wasn't found in the same spot they found the idiots that didn't like elves for the Fantasy Era.

Re: News: Death of the Classic Horse

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 11:33 pm
by Redav
dyntar wrote: There's no barding on the horses in the Lord Of the Rings stories and barding is only found on castle/ninja sets. So what are they making the barding for? Sounds as if Lego are already planning the next line of castle sets. :D
That's exactly what I was thinking hence my earlier post (mind you, I've not watched them for a number of years, ANZAC and Labour Day holidays are coming up so I might crack out the extended's I'm yet to watch!). The only thing I thought of was the possability of barding to make those wraith horses look like they trail cloth but that's already a set to be released with skeleton horses, isn't it?

Re: News: Death of the Classic Horse

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 5:34 pm
by AK_Brickster
Quickblade22 wrote:I just hope the testing done by "core target audience of 5-10 yr old boys" wasn't found in the same spot they found the idiots that didn't like elves for the Fantasy Era.
Heh-heh. My sentiments exactly. 8)

Re: News: Death of the Classic Horse

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 9:59 pm
by Blego7
While I am not a fan of the fact that the headgear won't fit, I am glad the bardings and back accessories do. A variation of colors would also be appreciated. This should be a good chance to diversify our very limited stables. :)

Re: News: Death of the Classic Horse

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 2:44 am
by Medieval Guy
Redav wrote:The only thing I thought of was the possability of barding to make those wraith horses look like they trail cloth but that's already a set to be released with skeleton horses, isn't it?
They'll be the same horse mold as the other horses. They are black with red eyes.

It was mentioned earlier that it may be possible to switch the heads of the different horses. This is a very interesting idea, as it would allow the old headgear that we all know and love to be used on the new posable body.

Re: News: Death of the Classic Horse

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 6:47 am
by TeufelHund
It's a pity they didn't manage to get possable horses into the Kingdoms Joust set, as that would have allowed for a much more dynamic "joust" scene to be set up than with the classic horses and their limitations, but I guess that wasn't manageable given the barding/helmet issues they've noted.

I've never been a big fan of the classic horse, so I for one am looking forward to the new breed.

Re: News: Death of the Classic Horse

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 5:06 pm
by DaleDVM
I like the fact that the horses look similar enough to the old horse, as to not make them obsolete! I welcome the new horse. The poseability is going to be very useful. The pose of them galloping is especially nice.

I agree with others that they need to be made in a large variety of colors. I am really surprised that Theoden's horse wasn't made white. However, it does explain why white horses were on the pick a brick wall not too long ago. TLG is trying to sell out the old stock of white horses before they produce any of the new ones.

Re: News: Death of the Classic Horse

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 3:43 am
by BlackenedPurple
In regards to the old horse headgear not fitting, what about the possibility of warming the existing headgear (in very hot to near-boiling water) until it is malleable and then placing it on the new horse head mold so that it now contours to the new shape?

As a purist, I doubt seeing myself doing this, but I thought I'd throw the idea out there....

Re: News: Death of the Classic Horse

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 4:44 pm
by bronx
As stated by [numerous] others, existing headgear not fitting on the new model of horses is very disappointing and disheartening, as that was really my only concern.

Here I thought I could slowly transition my Dragon Master cavalry, complete with the dragon battle helm, to the new horses. Sad, indeed.

I'll likely remain in a mopey state about this until these new horse accessories are released and I see something equally as cool or something adequate for my favored faction.

Re: News: Death of the Classic Horse

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 12:34 am
by athronieth
No regrets from me about the old horse giving way to a better model. Might even be able to work this development into a storyline for my Lego world...perhaps the doing of an evil wizard building a cavalry to conquer all Quelta :twisted: or perhaps it will be the gods giving an advantage to their favorite human faction (only humans ride horses in my world).

Re: News: Death of the Classic Horse

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 2:14 pm
by Heir of Black Falcon

Fitting comment.

I have to admit I will miss my old friend in new sets. Some of the things that came out in the 2012 Joust for the horses were awesome. Seems a shame we will not see these elements reused.


Re: News: Death of the Classic Horse

Posted: Tue May 01, 2012 2:52 pm
by Mark of Falworth
I am sad to hear the headgear will not fit on the new horses, But I think this new step has great opportunity. Perhaps, new colors like tan and dark brown. That would be sweet! :D

I think that TLG might make some new headgear for the new horses in the future. :)

Re: News: Death of the Classic Horse

Posted: Tue May 01, 2012 7:31 pm
by biglesdug
I have to admit the new horses look pretty cool when they are in the rearing stance, it can add a new element to battle scenes. In Lego club magazine there is a photo of the Lotr attack of the uruk-hai set with a horse on it hind legs ready for attack.
Will the new horse get mixed in with my older sets, no but still a nice new element.