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What can we do?

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2016 4:40 pm
by Grover
Leo of Rotenburg brought up a good point in the "Lego Castle in Decline" thread: we need to be doing something to keep up interest in Lego Castle. Rather than sit here and complain about it, I'd like to start this thread to try and figure out things we can do as a community to prevent Lego Castle from disappearing completely and to generate enough interest that the Lego company pays attention.

I suggest we start by compiling a list of ideas.

1. Leo suggested we start a YouTube channel. I think this is a great idea. We would, however, need to find someone with the time to do this, or we need to figure out how to do a collaborative channel.

2. Supporting all medieval/castle projects on Lego Ideas. I tend to go through the Ideas section and if the project has any merit at all, I support it. Lego needs to know there is more interest in Castle.

3. Perhaps making more MOCs with directions that others can build? I was thinking that if we can provide some small sets that are buildable with only a finite number of common pieces, we might be able to reach out to those in the community who don't have a large collection.

4. Bring our castle MOCs to shows/conventions. More exposure of Castle themed material.

What else can we do?

Re: What can we do?

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2016 5:46 pm
by josdu
Grover wrote:Leo of Rotenburg brought up a good point in the "Lego Castle in Decline" thread: we need to be doing something to keep up interest in Lego Castle. Rather than sit here and complain about it, I'd like to start this thread to try and figure out things we can do as a community to prevent Lego Castle from disappearing completely and to generate enough interest that the Lego company pays attention.

I suggest we start by compiling a list of ideas.

1. Leo suggested we start a YouTube channel. I think this is a great idea. We would, however, need to find someone with the time to do this, or we need to figure out how to do a collaborative channel.

2. Supporting all medieval/castle projects on Lego Ideas. I tend to go through the Ideas section and if the project has any merit at all, I support it. Lego needs to know there is more interest in Castle.

3. Perhaps making more MOCs with directions that others can build? I was thinking that if we can provide some small sets that are buildable with only a finite number of common pieces, we might be able to reach out to those in the community who don't have a large collection.

4. Bring our castle MOCs to shows/conventions. More exposure of Castle themed material.

What else can we do?
I really don't think you need to worry about it's decline, there were, for example, plenty of entries to the CCC, as many as normal I think. Also certainly I shan't stop building castle anytime soon and there are plenty of others who won't stop either I think :) . That said though, you do have some good ideas!