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Shock and Horror

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 2:22 am
by ezehogan
I know I'm behind the times, but I don't go shopping all that often. A few days ago I was walking through K-Mart when I saw some of the new Lego Castle sets.

I weap for today's children...

I knew they weren't going to be good, but I was surprised at how bad they really were. They are nothing like the great castles offered when I was a kid in the late 80's and early 90's. They are completely unrealistic, don't contain many pieces, have horrible designs, and in general look more like the Morphin Power Rangers would than any knight would.

I would blame it on nostalgia, but I'd still know something good when I saw it. Lego, what is happening?

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 3:47 am
by Draygen
I'm weeping cause of these topics... I'm sorry, but I guess I get a bit tired. This has been said and stated probably 100 times. We know... and nothing will change because we think back on other times. So please... just move along and let things be.

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 11:19 am
by Chancellor Erik
Draygen wrote:I'm weeping cause of these topics... I'm sorry, but I guess I get a bit tired. This has been said and stated probably 100 times. We know... and nothing will change because we think back on other times. So please... just move along and let things be.
My thoughts exactly :D .

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 2:53 pm
by rogue27
I do agree with you, but has a policy against starting redundant threads. This topic has been discussed quite a bit already.

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2004 5:47 pm
by medib
We don't know about what 2005 will bring except some broad assumptions
and maybe a few hints (well the new and "improved" KK2 big-boys)
and some cards released with the new Lego Magazine.

Maybe we'll see some vast improvements. If not, there's always a
legend or two that could be released.


Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 1:18 am
by Teh Stud
I never mind hearing other people's opinions, even if they are the same as a person that has already posted. The more opinions, the better!

If you don't like redundant threads, don't read them! It is much faster to not read something than it is to post a reply compaining!

I've already posted my opinion on this topic, but I'll glady reply to this topic. I don't like the design of the new sets, and I wish they hadn't changed the colors. There are a couple of cool minifigs in the new castle line, and that is about it. I'll do all of my lego purchasing through bricklink and ebay this year because the new sets are so horrible.

If you don't like reading my opinion, please close this topic and read another. 8)

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 1:45 am
by Formendacil
What we really need to do is go through the forums, cut and paste every "Why I hate KK2..." threads and form them into "The OFFICIAL Griping About KK2 Thread" Then we make it a sticky, and put it at the top of the forum where everyone can see it.

Just think about how many pages that would have.......

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 2:45 am
by Blueandwhite
So what if the 2004 set designs are horrible. Its almost 2005! Its time to begin thinking about next year's releases. Who knows KKII, year 2 might turn out to be good!

And don't forget, there are still a number of options available for adult fans. You can still get the original colors through Bricklink and shop at home. These options may not be the best, but at least they are available.

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2004 10:05 am
by Sir Kohran
*sigh* I'm getting totally sick of hearing and seeing people bashing KK2 like it's the devil's spawn. Okay, maybe you might not like the bley. Maybe you don't like the Knights. Maybe you hate the lack of figs. But all the same, griping time should be over by now. Yes, it has faults. But that's still no reason to outlaw it. I like KK2, so my opinion may seem biased, but all the same, just try and make the best of the situation.

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2004 4:38 pm
by Teh Stud
SKM from BZPower wrote:*sigh* I'm getting totally sick of hearing and seeing people bashing KK2 like it's the devil's spawn. Okay, maybe you might not like the bley. Maybe you don't like the Knights. Maybe you hate the lack of figs. But all the same, griping time should be over by now. Yes, it has faults. But that's still no reason to outlaw it. I like KK2, so my opinion may seem biased, but all the same, just try and make the best of the situation.
I'll say it again. Instead of complaining about someone else's opinion, don't read the post! People should be able to post their opinions on the KK2 sets as often as they want. In fact, at some point in the future one of the KK2 sets will be the "set of the week" and then we'll all get another chance to tell people why we don't like the sets. You should prepare yourself now, because you won't agree with some of the posts.

Besides, I don't mind reading your posts, even if your opinions are wrong. :wink:

In regards to my reasons for not liking KK2 sets, it goes way beyond the colors and figures. That's just to start. I also don't like the building designs, and I can't figure out a good way to use the Panel 3 x 8 x 6 with Window. It has slopes at the bottom of the piece, yet has a window, yet the window is inset. I've never seen a castle wall that looks like this, either in real castles or even fantasy creations. The slope at the bottom makes it best for the base of a wall. Slopes were places at the bottom of wall so defenders could drop rocks from above, they would hit the slopes and bounce towards the siegers or attackers. However, no wall with slopes would ever have a window in it! The siegers could run up to the window and fire away at people inside the castle! (Also, it's not an arrow slit, but a wide window). A window in a wall also weakens the overall wall construction, making it easier to break the wall down with siege equipment.

I also don't like this piece:


Or the baseplate of the castle:


Despite all of this, I am hoping the second round of KK2 will be better. I'm just not expecting it. :roll:

I'll continue to love the Lego building system, and I'll continue to purchase the parts I like on Bricklink and Ebay. I'll also continue to bash the KK2 sets if I don't like them. If you don't agree with my opinion, by all means tell me why. I'd like to hear what other people think. Maybe you can even convince me to change my mind. However, if you are going to post that you hate my opinion and are sick of hearing my opinion and others like it, then you really aren't adding anything constructive, are you? You're better off not posting at all.

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2004 4:51 pm
by Sir Kohran
I don't have a problem with people's opinions on KK2. I like it when people say what they think. It's just that I can't stand it when people won't stop flaming KK2. If you don't like it, then fine. I don't mind. Just don't start bashing it relentlessly.

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2004 4:53 pm
by Teh Stud
SKM from BZPower wrote:I don't have a problem with people's opinions on KK2. I like it when people say what they think. It's just that I can't stand it when people won't stop flaming KK2. If you don't like it, then fine. I don't mind. Just don't start bashing it relentlessly.
I don't agree with you. If people want to bash a set, they should bash it. As many times as they want. You don't have to read it.

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2004 10:00 pm
by Sir Kohran
Redaxe wrote:
SKM from BZPower wrote:I don't have a problem with people's opinions on KK2. I like it when people say what they think. It's just that I can't stand it when people won't stop flaming KK2. If you don't like it, then fine. I don't mind. Just don't start bashing it relentlessly.
I don't agree with you. If people want to bash a set, they should bash it. As many times as they want. You don't have to read it.
I didn't say that bashing a set was bad. It's the people that bash KK2 and all its sets as a whole, that annoy me.

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2004 12:17 am
by Emperor James
SKM from BZPower wrote:
Redaxe wrote:
SKM from BZPower wrote:I don't have a problem with people's opinions on KK2. I like it when people say what they think. It's just that I can't stand it when people won't stop flaming KK2. If you don't like it, then fine. I don't mind. Just don't start bashing it relentlessly.
I don't agree with you. If people want to bash a set, they should bash it. As many times as they want. You don't have to read it.
I didn't say that bashing a set was bad. It's the people that bash KK2 and all its sets as a whole, that annoy me.
The reason people (that would be me) bash KK2 in general is that the sets as a whole are Megablocks Brand Building Blocks. The designs do not even nearly live up to the old, the figs are Space, and the overall it looks very unmedeival. Most important of all, the pieces and figs are mostly quite useless for moc's. Whats not to bash? I really find it enigmatic that you don't hate KK2, but I suppose you and most of the new members here that don't hate KK2 have are too young to have experienced what is reffered to as LEGO castle. Perhaps this is not always the case, and I don't even know if it is the case with you, but it seems to be the only logicical explanation. Perhaps you would care to elaborate? Get a copy of 6080, 8085, and 6086, if you dont already have them, and give me your opinion. :wink:

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2004 9:45 am
by Sir Kohran
Emperor James wrote:
SKM from BZPower wrote:
Redaxe wrote: I don't agree with you. If people want to bash a set, they should bash it. As many times as they want. You don't have to read it.
I didn't say that bashing a set was bad. It's the people that bash KK2 and all its sets as a whole, that annoy me.
The reason people (that would be me) bash KK2 in general is that the sets as a whole are Megablocks Brand Building Blocks. The designs do not even nearly live up to the old, the figs are Space, and the overall it looks very unmedeival. Most important of all, the pieces and figs are mostly quite useless for moc's. Whats not to bash? I really find it enigmatic that you don't hate KK2, but I suppose you and most of the new members here that don't hate KK2 have are too young to have experienced what is reffered to as LEGO castle. Perhaps this is not always the case, and I don't even know if it is the case with you, but it seems to be the only logicical explanation. Perhaps you would care to elaborate? Get a copy of 6080, 8085, and 6086, if you dont already have them, and give me your opinion. :wink:
Ah, so we meet again, EJ.

Actually, I own all those sets except for 8085. And yes, I agree that KK2 doesn't live up to its ancestors. I've owned and been interested in Lego Castle long before the days of KK1 or 2. I enjoyed getting the new sets, and loved bulding my own stuff out of them. Whilst I wasn't around to see some of the earlier sets RELEASED, I still bought them and enjoyed them, and also got the later sets in the early 90's as they came out. And no, it's possible to like the classical sets and also like KK2. But part of me wonders why I've come to this forum. I came here because I liked Lego Castle, and wanted to discuss it. I didn't think anyone would mind if I liked KK2. Guess I was wrong.