lego marketing

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lego marketing

Post by timber_wolf899 »

hi all
I just want to take a moment here in order to point out the sheer jenious of the new viking line. This is a masterstroke of marketing!

Look at it this way. On one hand lego has the bionacle fans wo are making that line hugely profitable. On the other hand they have the minifig market. Now the minifig market alone isnt enough to drive a lot of new lines, and give all the fans what they want. Sure you can sell something like KKII, but you cant do as many different things as you may want. So what do you do? You make a hybred theme! Now you sell bionacle beasts to that fan block, and new inovative minifigs to that market. You essentially use the great profitability of bionacle to subsadize your minifig line! This lets you develope new and inovative minifig stuff, while staying in the black. AND the new minifig stuff helps you take market share back from clone brands, which in turns leads to more capital to invest in new and better sets.

Amazing move by lego! I, as a lego fan and businessman, am duely impressed!
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Post by erikut »

im really inpressed of how your mind avbiously works. i wouldent have taugth of this if it was in the CC home page

but yeah it seems reaaly logick with the bests and minifigs

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Post by porschecm2 »

At last, a man with some good sense. :) I too think this is a smart move for Lego. Sure, we don't get everything we want, but it's a comprimise; and not a bad one, at that. We get a bunch of kool stuff, the bioniclers get some kool stuff, Megablocks looses sales, and Lego makes money. Sounds good to me. :D

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Post by Blueandwhite »

Actually, we won't know whether this was a good idea until it reaches stores. Sales are the real determining factor as to whether something has been marketed well.

, using your logic, this line could be a tremendous failure! After all, Bionicle fans may not wish to spend the extra money to purchase LEGO bricks they have no use for. On the other side of things, LEGO fans may not want to spend a large amount of money on a set that includes a fair amount of Bionicle. Mixing two product lines together may have the unintended result of alienating buyers, rather than attracting them!

Don't forget, the real allure of the clone brands (Megabloks etc.) isn't set design, playability or quality; Its cost! Accordingly, unless LEGO does something to lower costs, they may not be able to entice clone brand purchasers back to LEGO.

Finally, don't forget that LEGO is competing with itself on this line. Who is to say that many children wouldn't prefer the existing KK2 line? I personally like the Viking line, but its a bit premature to be calling it a stroke of marketing genius!

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Post by Farithdir »

All I can say is that i would prefer vikings when i was a kid
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