How are Relations in your Castle World

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Re: How are Relations in your Castle World

Post by krzyzak »

Every faction I have right now is pretty much alone except the trolls and skeletons. Of course the dwarfs and crownies are allies. :eyebrows:
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Re: How are Relations in your Castle World

Post by Velliscig »

As I just stumbled across this topic again, I suppose I shall continue on from where my previous comments left off... A "brief" synopsis -

My world consists of a handful of small kingdoms (seven of them), which I based off of ideas that my real-life friends have given me. One of them wanted to create a kingdom but never really made an effort into buying any Lego, and the other created a country with me on, so I adapted their nation names and "personalities" as basis for kingdoms I will run in the manner which I think they would run it. Two of the kingdoms are derived from my sister and her friend, and two other kingdoms are derived from KKII (when I first started getting into the castle theme (bad time, I know lol)), and then last but not least my own personal kingdom, which I have progressively made up for over five years.


TYRROHNA - My personal kingdom. It sits in the center of my middle earth, and possesses the most land, troops, wealth, etc. Not purposely the best, it just is because I can't afford to make any other factions stronger at this time. :( The current Lion knights are used for this faction, along with any other red themed factions from TLG. Mostly though, I custom build my troops.

Colours: Red, Gold, White (and sometimes Black)
Disposition: Aggressively Good

DROHGYNN - My little sister's kingdom. She actually had a king and some castle sets, and back when we were both children (not long ago... just KKII lol) she'd actually play with me. Gradually she lost interest in it (might I say she actually "grew up", where as I didn't? :tasty:), and she gave me her Lego and I "annexed" her kingdom into mine as a protectorate. So basically, it currently is not a "kingdom", but a principality. I don't have many troops for any other kingdom than my own, but the handful I have for Drohgynn are spearmen in purple, adorned with dragon emblems.

Colours: Purple, Light Blue, and Black
Disposition: Passively Good

MORVAAS - Essentially "Morcia", from KKII, but renamed. The father kingdom to Tyrrohna, it was the first to exist in the middle earth. It's kings died out, and it gradually became part of Tyrrohna. The majority of the nobility of Tyrrohna are descendants of Morvaasian lords.

Colours: Blue, Gold (Silver), and White. The Crownies fit into this faction, along with any other blue themed minifigs.
Disposition: Good

AYKORZIA - The KKII kingdom of "Ankoria", renamed. "Vladek" was the first king of these lands. This kingdom was short lived, lasting for only 60 years. These lands now belong to Tyrrohna, but are seldom payed attention to. Largely unbeknown to the Tyrrohnens, these lands are crawling with brigands, orcs, and various other unpleasant beings (mostly resentful Aykorzians).

Colours: Black, Gray, White (In the old kingdom, Dark Red/Maroon)
Disposition: Passively Evil

KAZARYNN - Based off my friend Cole's "kingdom". They are the northern-most kingdom, mountainousness and cold. The Dwarves live in the mountains in this region, but keep to themselves and have been hitherto unknown to exist to the rest of the world. I currently have no figures for this faction, but I plan to have Kazarynnen soldiers wield axes (naturally).

Colours: Red, Green, and Black
Disposition: Neutral, Passively Good

RUHZYNN - Based off my friend Ryan's fictional nation. Currently, there is very little communication with this kingdom and the "others", but eventually they will become more important and the map of this kingdom will be filled in. They possess the giant island, which is in part why they can remain isolated from the rest of the continent. The Dragon knights of the current line and any similar of the past fit into this faction. Potentially a future rival of Tyrrohna...

Colours: Red, Green, and Black
Disposition: Unknown

NEZAAN - A peace-loving, trade oriented people, this faction was based off of one of my sister's friend's "nation". I have no figures for this faction yet, and they have not yet started trading or attempting to make contact with Tyrrohna, partially because of Tyrrohna's historically aggressive imperialistic attitude, which Nezaanians find to be in poor taste. Calling this nation a "kingdom" might be innaccurate; they "possibly" have a democratic leader or some form of hippie-like government...or none at all... I don't know... I only know as much as the Tyrrohnens do, and until they make a concerted effort to contact Nezaan, we shan't know what really goes on there. :wink:

Colours: Orange, White, and potentially any other fruity, non-traditional colour. Tye dye/rainbow? Perhaps. :P
Disposition: Neutral, Passively Good

Here is the current map of my middle earth, although I continue to add/modify it regularly.

Image ... eearth.png

... and there we go, a basic outline of my worlds' layout. This is just the MAP information... I don't think I could present the actual history to you guys, as it would be incredibly extensive. If anyone is interested, though, do feel free to let me know. :) Suggestions and ideas are always welcome.
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Re: How are Relations in your Castle World

Post by krzyzak »

Well, to me, tolls and skeletons are evil. Forestmen are neutral. The good guys are the crown knights, crusaders, black falcons, and royal knights, but they are not allies. Wolfpack is neutral but leaning towards evil. The new dragon knights and dragon masters are also evil. Kingdoms is a team which constantly harasses the crown knights and other factions. I don't usually mix the crusaders, black falcons, or royal knights too much with the crown knights and other new factions. Forestmen, wolfpack,and black knights are also not mixed too much with the crown knights.
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Re: How are Relations in your Castle World

Post by lord_of_orks »

here's how things are in my castle world

skeletons: evil: the dark sorcerer has been defeated by the crown knights so there no new skeletons. The few that remain have gone into hiding.

orks: neutral/evil: most orks left and returned to there home land after the dark sorcerers defeat those that staid are led by (my avatar) the 4 armed ork lord. they are allied with the skeletons and have gone into hiding with them.

wolf pack: out laws: constantly harass the crown knights but are afraid of the orks and skeletons. allied with the forest men.

forest men: out laws: same as wolf pack.

order of the forsaken:neutral:consists of all factions I have that came before the crown knights(which comes to about 10 members :tasty: ) good relations with crown knights no contact with orks or skeletons.

crown knights: good: own almost all the land, are constantly searching for the orks and skeletons. allied with dwarfs.

dwarfs: good: the richest of all the factions threw there trade of gold, silver, and steel they are searching for the orks but are afraid of the skeletons. allied with the crown knights.
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