LCC Guild Hall - Information and Submission Thread

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LCC Guild Hall - Information and Submission Thread

Post by AK_Brickster »



Guilds are exclusive clubs to which you’ll gain entrance by completing a specific set of tasks. Once you gain membership, you are permitted to display the guild heraldry you’ve earned in your MOCs, and you’ll also be allowed to display an exclusive guild banner in your CC signature block.

NOTE: You must have attained the LCC rank of “Citizen” in order to begin your attempt to gain membership within a guild.

Guild membership transcends faction boundaries, and members of guilds should consider their fellow guildmen as brothers, no matter what their country of origin may be. This isn’t to say that there cannot be some friendly competition between members, and exclusive contest opportunities may present themselves down the road.


There are four ranks within each guild:

Applicant - You haven't actually earned the right to join the guild yet, but will be listed as an "Applicant" once you submit your first Apprentice-level MOC.
Apprentice - Just learning the ropes of the craft.
Journeyman - Developing into an upstanding member.
Master - Highly revered for their skill, their services are often sought after by royalty.

You will increase in rank as you complete the tasks necessary to gain enough experience to progress.


The Four Guilds are:

The Heros Guild - Adventurers, Fame-seekers, and Mighty Warriors call this guild home.
The Masons Guild - World-class Craftsmen and Architects of Roawia who are responsible for the buildings that shape the landscape.
The Merchants Guild - Traders and Smugglers, the members of the merchants guild fuel the engines of commerce in the land.
The Mages Guild - A mysterious and secretive organization who's existence is protected to escape prosecution from those who fear the mystic arts.

Note: In order to focus your skills enough to progress in a guild, you have to limit your areas of study at any one time. For this reason, you may only hold the rank of “Applicant” in one guild at a time.
For example, you can start out in the Heroes guild, but you cannot start to qualify for a second guild until you reach the rank of Apprentice. Once you’ve started a second guild, you may not start a third until you’ve mastered one of the first two.
If you do choose to be a member of more than one guild at a time, be sure that your stories flow well between the two paths. It wouldn't make sense if your merchant was traveling to Loreos while completing a heroic task in Garheim at the same time.

Because of these restrictions, it is very important to carefully decide on which guild(s) you will start first.

If there are any questions about this, please PM the Guildmaster.


Each Guild requires certain challenges to be completed in order to gain membership or advance in rank.
The building challenges for each guild are listed below. Each challenge should feature your in-game character, as he/she is the one who is learning the way of the guild, and he/she is the one who is earning the right to display the guild heraldry on his/her banner. It may seem strange to have a Knight who's in the Merchants Guild, or an Orc who's in the Heroes Guild, but really it just adds to the fun and the challenge!
Each building challenge must be separate from the other. You may not combine objectives into the same MOC, nor may you use a MOC from other LCC challenges as a guild entry. You should include a short story that explains the MOC and your character's development with each build.
Lastly, as with any MOC, you must make sure that your builds have plenty of thought and effort put into them. This is about proving your skill, not racing to complete the tasks. For this reason, only two submissions will be accepted per month unless you have received special permission from the Guildmaster.

To reward you for your efforts, you will also earn personal status points for each challenge you complete.
Apprentice Challenges: 1 point each
Journeyman Challenges: 3 points each
Master Challenges: 5 points each

The building challenges for each guild are as follows:

Apprentice –3 MOCs:
1) Your hero preparing to leave his home.
2) Your hero on an adventure in a foreign land (another faction's territory).
3) Your hero saving someone from a small group of bandits.
Journeyman – 3 MOCs:
1) Your hero overcoming insurmountable odds.
2) Your hero slaying a monster.
3) Your hero finding a hidden treasure.
Master – 3 MOCS:
1) Your hero presenting the treasure and slain beast to the king
2) Your hero in his new bigger home/castle with his newfound wealth
3) Your hero training a young lad/lass in the ways of a hero.

Apprentice – 3 MOCs that show the construction process of a stone building, showing the stages of planning the foundation/construction/finished project (each MOC depicts one stage of the same structure).
Journeyman – 3 MOCS:
1) Build a castle or other stone structure with a secret passage.
2) Build a bridge that spans at least 20 studs in a single span.
3) Build a structure using a curved surface (round tower, curved wall, arched ceiling). The curved part should be the emphasis of the MOC.
Master – 3 MOCs:
1) Build a castle with an outer wall, an inner wall, and a keep.
2) Build a cathedral with flying buttresses.
3) Build a Guild hall worthy of housing the greatest masons in the land.

Apprentice –3 MOCs:
1) Your merchant with his trading cart/ship/means of transporting goods.
2) Your merchant acquiring his wares.
3) Your merchant travelling through difficult conditions (snow storm, rough seas, endless desert, etc).
Journeyman – 3 MOCs:
1) Defending your caravan/fleet from outlaws/thieves.
2) Your merchant trading in a foreign land.
3) Encountering a competitor.
Master – 3 MOCs:
1) Smuggling some sort of contraband out of or into a secure area.
2) Dealing with a trade gone wrong.
3) Showing your wealth acquired as a result of your trading career.

Apprentice –3 MOCs:
1) Your mage/wizard discovering his magic ability.
2) Your mage at his place of training (could be a secret hideout or hidden room. Remember that magic is generally frowned upon!)
3) Your Mage succeeding at a magic feat!
Journeyman –3 MOCs:
1) Evading detection by those who hate magic.
2) Capturing/training a “familiar.”
3) Using magic for either good or evil. (choose wisely!)
Master – 3 MOCs:
1) Use magic to manipulate someone who holds a position of power.
2) Use magic to destroy your foes OR to save your friends.
3) Ultimate showdown/battle vs. a rival sorcerer OR epic monster.


Your MOCs should be submitted in this thread as a thumbnail with a link to your MOC's main post over in the "Castle MOCs" area of the CC forum.
When posting in the MOC forum, use the naming convention, "LCC - Mages Guild - J2 - Name of your MOC" , where "J2" is the first letter of your rank (in this case, Journeyman) and the number that corresponds to what stage of the rank you are submitting (J2 for Mages Guild would be "Capturing/Training your Familiar").
NOTE: If your MOC is not posted in this thread as well as the MOC forum, I cannot guarantee that I will see your entry! If you don't know how to post a thumbnail with a link, PM me and I will help you.


If you manage to succeed in mastering all four guilds, you may have the opportunity to complete one last challenge that will earn you the title of “LCC Guild Grandmaster” and there may even be a special prize.


Your rank in each guild is represented by a colored 1x1 "stud" which can be affixed to your faction standard. As you rank up within your guild, you will be allowed to display an additional stud for each rank.

The colors to be used for each guild are:

Heroes - Use the main color of your faction, Red, Blue, Green, or Black.
Masons - Light Bley
Merchants - Gold
Mages - Trans-any color.

The images below depict how your heraldry should be displayed.
(Using Merchants Guild as an example)

Image Image Image

** The studs for Apprentice and Journeyman ranks are simply attached to a clip and fastened to the standard. For Master rank, use an "L" plate attached to the standard using a clip. You are not required to use black clips and/or plates. **
Last edited by AK_Brickster on Mon Aug 12, 2013 4:45 pm, edited 21 times in total.
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Re: LCC Guild Hall - Information and Submission Thread

Post by AK_Brickster »


**Remember that you must attain the LCC rank of "Citizen" before you may apply to a guild!**

Official LCC Guild Hall Flickr Group


Gurusql - Journeyman
Apprentice MOCs: A1 - "Leaving Havenhill ", A2 - "Mouth of the Dragansruth River", A3 - "Bandits on the Way to Rothsburg"
Journeyman MOCs: J1 - "Havenhill in Ruin", J2 - "Battle with the Serpent", J3 - "Agmund's Hidden Lair"
Master MOCs: M1 - "Presenting to Jhirian Eindrik"

Krzyzak - Journeyman
Apprentice MOCs: A1 - "Bruno Leaving Home", A2 - "Across the Bridge",A3 - "Saving Bruno in the Desert"
Journeyman MOCs: J1 - "Fighting off the Loresi", J2 - the Archenmind of Creek, J3 - Bruno Finds a Hidden Treasure
Master MOCs: M1 - "Giving Tribute"

Mark of Falworth - Journeyman
Apprentice MOCs: A1 - "Leaving Capernum", A2 - "The Sword - Discovered", A3 - A Scuffle on the Heights
Journeyman MOCs: J1 - "Scouting Mission Gone Wrong", J2 -"Mark of Falworth vs Mindarus The Cunning", J3 - "An Unexpected Drink"
Master MOCs: M1 - "The Mission of a Lifetime"

Justin M - Apprentice
Apprentice MOCs: A1 - "Going on an Adventure", A2 - "An Urgent Meeting", A3 - "A Rustle at the Bay"
Journeyman MOCs: J1 - "Fighting Miasmador"

Jackson Williams - Apprentice
Apprentice MOCs: A1 - "Leaving Home", A2 - "Retaliation", A3 - "Saving a Damsel"
Journeyman MOCs: J1 - "Attack on Sorin"

SergeantChipmunk44 - Apprentice
Apprentice MOCs: A1 - "Drifting Down Lyrebird River", A2 - "Into the Sea of Sand", A3 - "Commotion on Kiskadee Trail"

Thomas Arrowford - Apprentice
Apprentice MOCs: A1 - "Departure", A2 - "Over the Border", A3 - "The Flail Riders"

Lettucebrick - Apprentice:
Apprentice MOCs: A1 - "Leaving Home", A2 - "Entering Garheim", A3 - "Battle on the Barge"

Luke the Swift - Apprentice:
Apprentice MOCs: A1 - "Leaving Home", A2 - "To the Rescue", A3, "Helping Out"

Andared of Lenfald - Apprentice
Apprentice MOCs: A1 - "Heading North", A2 - "The Lost Patrol", A3 - "A Midnight Rescue"

Andhe - Applicant
Apprentice MOCs: A1 - "Leaving Garheim"

Bentoft - Applicant
Apprentice MOCs: A1 - "Memories of Benjamin Toft, Part 1"

Royalbrickcustoms - Applicant
Apprentice MOCs: A1 - "Leaving Fangroth"

Mitah - Applicant
Apprentice MOCs: A1 - "Leaving Home", A2 - "Foreign Affairs"

lordwoodz - Applicant
Apprentice MOCs: A1 - "Sir Terryn's First Command"

JoshWedin - Applicant
Apprentice MOCs: A1 - "Revenge Will Be Ours!"

Mencot - Applicant
Apprentice MOCs: A1 - "Leaving Roseberg"

Sir Tharkin - Applicant:
Apprentice MOCs: A1 - "In a Rush", A2 - "The Bandit Attack"

SirAidan - Applicant:
Apprentice MOCs: A1 - "Leaving Home"

Rifiröfi - Applicant:
Apprentice MOCs: A1 - "Going on an Adventure"

Louie le Brickvalier - Applicant:
Apprentice MOCs: A1 - "Passing by Memories", A2 - "A Meeting by the Shore"

mpoh98 - Applicant:
Apprentice MOCs: A1 - "Leaving Home"

Thomas Arrowford - MASTER
Apprentice MOCs: A1- "The Goods Wagon", A2 - "The Harvest", A3 - "The Mountain Pass"
Journeyman MOCs: J1 - "Incident at the Stone Bridge", J2 - "The Market" , J3 - "Trouble with the Town Guild"
Master MOCs: M1 - "A Delivery to the Barracks", M2 - "Arrested!", M3 - "Sol et Nix"

Disco86 - Apprentice
Apprentice MOCs: A1 - "Merchant Ship", A2 - "Garheim Shipment", A3 - "Shipwrecked!"
Journeyman MOCs: J1 - "Orc Raid", J2 - "City of Vadonia", J3 - "Oasis Encounter"

Hayden - Apprentice
Apprentice MOCs: A1 - "Bumbling Along", A2 - "A Busy Dock", A3 - "Plight in the Desert"
Journeyman MOCs: J1 - "Daylight Robbery!", J2 - "A Place of Trade"

friskywhiskers - Apprentice
Apprentice MOCs: A1 - "The Glancer", A2 - "Encounter in Uglehiem", A3 - "A Perilous Crossing"
Journeyman MOCs: J1 - "The Commerce Guild of Lenfald"

GyustSil - Apprentice:
Apprentice MOCs: A1 - "On the Road", A2 - "Lord Harsen's Warehouse", A3 - "A Crash in the Snow"

Rifirofi - Apprentice
Apprentice MOCs: A1 - "The Wagon", A2 - "Acquiring Wares", A3 - "Snowed In"

Calculus3.14 - Applicant
Apprentice MOCs: A1 - "The Caravan", A2 - "The Camp"

MasterMinifig - Applicant
Apprentice MOCs: A1 - "The Cart", A2 - "Hidden Wine"

jman44 - Applicant
Apprentice MOCs: A1 - "Merchant Cart", A2 - "Diamond in the Rough", A3 - "Oasis"

LettuceBrick - Applicant
Apprentice MOCs: A1 - "The Sea Horse", A2 - "Gathering Goods"

Aeridian - Applicant
Apprentice MOCs: A1 - "Plans", A2 - "Durrough"

Luke the Swift~ - Applicant
Apprentice MOCs: A1 - untitled

Sschmidt (DECEASED) - Apprentice
Apprentice MOCs: A1 - "A Battle Cart Full of Lumber", A2 - "Elven Outpost", A3 - "A Treacherous Crossing"

Journeyman MOCs: J1 - "Battle in the Aine's River"

shmails - Journeyman
Apprentice MOCs: A1 - "Bearclaw Cave", A2 - "Bearclaw Construction", A3 - "Bearclaw Tower"
Journeyman MOCs: J1 - "The Ill Informed Attack", J2 - "Welcome to Bear Country!", J3 - "Picnic at the Great Claw Tower"
Master MOCs: M1 - "Seashore Castle", M2 - "Sanctuary of the Sacred Paw"

Mitah - Apprentice
Apprentice MOCs: A1- "New Fortifications (Stage 1)", A2 - "New Fortifications (Stage 2)", A3 - "New Fortifications (Stage 3)"
Journeyman MOCs: J1 - Abandoned Outpost

Thomas Arrowford - Apprentice
Apprentice MOCs: A1 - "Big Plans", A2 - "Work Progresses", A3 - "Arrowford Harbor"
Journeyman MOCs:

Tastymuffins - Apprentice
Apprentice MOCs: A1 - "Watchtower Foundation", A2 - "Watchtower Construction", A3 - "The Watchtower"
Journeyman MOCs: J1- "Slikver's Home Under Siege", J2 - "Great Gatehouse of Mikithdar"

Hayden - Apprentice
Apprentice MOCs: A1 - "Project Outlook Site", A2 - "Project Outlook Foundation", A3 - "Project Outlook Complete"

lord_of_orks - Applicant
Apprentice MOCs: A1 - "Tearing Down an Old Watchtower"

Luke the Swift - MASTER
Apprentice MOCs: A1 - "Discovery", A2 - "Practice Makes Perfect", A3 - "Defeating the Werewolf"
Journeyman MOCs: J1 - "A Close Call", J2 - "Broken Ties", J3 - "Right or Wrong?"
Master MOCs: M1 - "Mind Games", M2 - "A Tragic Encounter", M3 - "Confrontation"

Konze - Apprentice
Apprentice MOCs: A1 - "Unexpected", A2 - "Studying Demons", A3 - "Stop the Thief!"
Journeyman MOCs: J1 - "Fly Away", J2 - "Gathering Blueberries"

DarkTemplar - Apprentice
Apprentice MOCs: A1, A2, and A3 together as "Revelation"

Dakken the Bladesmith - Apprentice
Apprentice MOCs: A1 - "A Happy Accident", A2 - "Recovery", A3 - "Earth Magic"

SSchmidt - Applicant:
Apprentice MOCs: A1 - "Flamethrowers are no Accident", A2 - "Get the Bloody Scroll!"
Last edited by AK_Brickster on Fri Nov 15, 2013 5:38 pm, edited 41 times in total.
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Re: LCC Guild Hall - Information and Submission Thread

Post by wobnam »

Looks good!
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Re: LCC Guild Hall - Information and Submission Thread

Post by Hayden. »

What do you mean by that?
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Re: LCC Guild Hall - Information and Submission Thread

Post by AK_Brickster »

Once people start signing up, I'll post who belongs to which guild, along with their rank, in that post. Thought it would be easier to find if I made it separate from the main info post :)
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Re: LCC Guild Hall - Information and Submission Thread

Post by Hayden. »

AK_Brickster wrote:Once people start signing up, I'll post who belongs to which guild, along with their rank, in that post. Thought it would be easier to find if I made it separate from the main info post :)
Good thinking!
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Re: LCC Guild Hall - Information and Submission Thread

Post by mencot »

Whoa oh sound great.
I have to say you guys have done a very great job. I bow and applause. :D
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Re: LCC Guild Hall - Information and Submission Thread

Post by soccerkid6 »

This is looking really good! I really appreciate all the work you guys are doing on this. To those with lots of questions, don't worry it will explain itself as we get to actually start using the system. Kind of like when you are playing a new board game for the first time. Once you play it all makes perfect sense.
Keep up the good work everyone that is working :P
Sorry I couldn't resist :lol:
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Re: LCC Guild Hall - Information and Submission Thread

Post by Hayden. »

I agree with mencot you have really put some time into this! Its great! And to honour your hard work I'll join and make use of it! :)
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Re: LCC Guild Hall - Information and Submission Thread

Post by eilonwy77 »

Ooooh, I'm getting excited! I've always been a fan of mages guilds, and magical places have so much potential for cool architecture, such as the college of winterhold in skyrim. ;)
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Re: LCC Guild Hall - Information and Submission Thread

Post by soccerkid6 »

One question about the Mason's first task, is there any specific reason on why the building has to be stone? I understand that Masons are stone workers. But in the description it says, "World class Craftsmen and Architects." My reason for asking is I have very little grey brick. I have white I can use for the finished project, but for the in progress MOC...
Just wondering if it would be all right to do a wooden structure instead. If not, I can probably figures some thing out 8)
Thanks for the answer in advance :)
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Re: LCC Guild Hall - Information and Submission Thread

Post by AK_Brickster »

Hmm... well, I'm not going to hold you to using gray for your buildings. I understand that every person's collection is different and has it's own limitations.

That said, you are going to have an awfully tough time building some of the later tasks (such as the cathedral) without many bricks, and the Mason's guild is overall probably the most parts-intensive guild among the 4.
Since you can only submit one guild MOC per week (and I estimate that to be a blistering pace), I might suggest starting off in a different guild, and by the time you've mastered a couple of the other ones (which could foreseeable be months or even a year from now), you may have accumulated some additional pieces. Just a friendly suggestion :)
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Re: LCC Guild Hall - Information and Submission Thread

Post by mencot »

eilonwy77 wrote:Ooooh, I'm getting excited! I've always been a fan of mages guilds, and magical places have so much potential for cool architecture, such as the college of winterhold in skyrim. ;)
Hey eilonwy I hope that your getting excited to join LCC because I really love your creations, they are so beutiful. :D
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Re: LCC Guild Hall - Information and Submission Thread

Post by soccerkid6 »

AK_Brickster wrote:Hmm... well, I'm not going to hold you to using gray for your buildings. I understand that every person's collection is different and has it's own limitations.

That said, you are going to have an awfully tough time building some of the later tasks (such as the cathedral) without many bricks, and the Mason's guild is overall probably the most parts-intensive guild among the 4.
Since you can only submit one guild MOC per week (and I estimate that to be a blistering pace), I might suggest starting off in a different guild, and by the time you've mastered a couple of the other ones (which could foreseeable be months or even a year from now), you may have accumulated some additional pieces. Just a friendly suggestion :)
Well I have a fair amount of bricks. And my collection is growing all the time :twisted: just not in grey. I thought about starting in a different guild :raiseone:
I guess I'll figure it out, thanks again for the answer.
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Re: LCC Guild Hall - Information and Submission Thread

Post by Cuahchic »

I like it. The masons guild looks very interesting (to me at least).

What I like about the LCC in general is that you are allowing people to build what they want to build, while giving them an incentive to do so. While I am thoroughly enjoying GoH, as the free-builds have so far been worth nothing so there isn't much incentive to build them. And therefore the focus is on the competitive builds which can sometimes be limiting.

The LCC sounds more like an RPG than a community build, and there are lots of options open to people. You can enter the competitions, or you can just build for the Guilds, or build a free build (which still gets points). I think it is better to keep the points transparent because then people can see the benefits of building.

I can't always build every month, or I might want to take a hiatus for a bit to build something else, but at least I know I can always accrue points.

So I hope it continues in this way.