LCC-Lenfald final map, with city names explained.

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LCC-Lenfald final map, with city names explained.

Post by Elderon »

Well I've done some digging in the history books of Roawia and I came across this nice map concerning the major cities and landmarks of Lenfald. It has been written by Elderon Eldar, a famous (ahem) writer and adventurer in Roawia.

Lenfald final Map by ElderonEldar, on Flickr

Stonewald, founded by Lenard of Roawia himself, is a large city and holds the throne to High Lord Godfrey in Lenards Keep. It has a rather big port mainly to give room to all the fishing boats that roam Everlyns Tears Lake. Laid in the centre it holds a strategic point as a gateway to all corners of Lenfald.

Great cities:
Ainesford, a prosperous town which has gained wealth through its large market, lumbermills and convenient placing almost exactly on the border of Lenfald and Loreos. It is the easiest way to cross the Aines River
Strongborough, is a young city but strong and heavily fortified. It has a rich history and holds one of the most honorable houses in Lenfald. It tracks its lineage back to Vyctor Strong a bastard son of a Lenfel Lady and unknown Garheim Lord. Because he was a bastard he chose to live in exile and gathered a following in the Dragon Scale Mountain Range and eventually built a fortress, later called the Strong Borough, in the Wolfs Fang Pass. The Wolfs Fang pass is essential for passing through the mountains as holds the passage to the Eagles Eye Valley. Strongborough still grants passage to the Valley and has most of its city built on the fertile lands of the Valley itself.
Crakenhaven, a grand port built on the largest islands of the Merkorliss Isles: Norholm. The isles of Merkorliss take their name from the estranged son of Lenard who wanted a kingdom of his own and decided he would expand his realm from the island he conquered with a small army. Not really a strong feat, because simple, primitive tribes used to live on these Islands. After his coming he civilized the tribes and built strong keeps and castles for his men. The house of Merkorliss laid their equivalent of a sword, a trident, at the feet of the King of Lenfald, when he showed up with the entire fleet to lay the city of Crakenhaven to waste. The big market square still holds a statue of the King of Lenfald with the trident of the house of Merkorliss at his feet.

Smaller cities:
Falkenborg, rival city of Ugleheim.
Dragonsmouth, city at the entrance of the Dragon Scale Mountain Range, called so because of the large gate that resembles the grotesque mouth of a Dragon.
Sioc Dubh (Black Frost), port in the north, wealthy town that is the gateway to the mainland for the Merkoliss Isles, named by the tribes that live in the Frostpeaks.
Standfast, the last city of the isles of Merkorliss that was taken by the King, located on Refuge the smaller island of the Merkorliss Isles.
Isil Oro (Moon Rise),port to the south of the Frostpeaks, old Elven port abandoned when the Age of Men began, named so because the port is crescent shaped.
Bladefall, Where it is said the first battle between the Garhim en Lenfel was fought. Its port is frequently visited by Garhim ships.
Durrough, a harbor city which held the last Loreesi outpost in Lenfald. It has been changing factions since long before the Kingdom of Roawia was founded
Elavia/Arragnos, a ruined city in the Strath Armen. It is believed that Huron the Despoiler was born in this city when it was still a village, but he made it into a prosperous town. After Magic was abolished from Roawia and Huron started his descent towards evil it kept growing until a group of Outlaws, thought to be followers of Huron burned the whole city to the ground. It is believed to be haunted and is given the name Arragnos, Dawn in Ashes.

Everlyns Tears lake, named after Lady Everlyns lost her husband on the banks of the lake defending them from Thirian raiders in the first Era.
Dragon Scale Mountain Range, it is said that the first dragon found his last resting place here and that his scales make up the Mountains.
Armendahls Mountains, realm of Armendahl the Great who expanded his territory from his fortress on Armendahls Peak and held a firm grip on the lands of Lenfald in the beginning of the second Era, before Roawan the Conqueror stood up and united the lands of Roawia.
Airgid Corónaigh, mountains in the north a dangerous and harsh place, only the most hardened of people reside here. It is said that the Garhim and the tribes of the Airgid Corónaigh share ancestory.
Iolar Aill (Eagle Cliffs), cliffs that make the shoreline in the north. It is said that this is the last place they saw the Eagle fly before he took off to the Realms Beyond the Sea. The Eagle was the favorite form of Lorthoric, highest of the Elder Gods.
Wandering Woods, forests that hold magical creatures, such as Elves, centaurs, trolls and some say even Dragons. People avoid this part of the woods and therefore no-one knows what truly lives in this dark place.
Strath Armen, the valley to the south of Armendahls Mountains, birthplace of Armendahl the Great and the place where he started his reign over Lenfald.
Lenness, ‘the nose of Lenfald’, the most western cape of Lenfald.
Nan Deorc, the valley that leads from Sioc Dubh through the Airgid Corónaigh.
Aines, the river that functions as a natural border between Loreos and Lenfald, named after the daughter of Lenard, founder of Lenfald. Named after maiden Aines, daughter of Lenard, founder of Lenfald. It is said she used to cross the river at that exact point often to visit her lover who was of Loreosi descent. The river is now often referred to as the Fork, or Aines Fork, a play on the city name and the shape of the river itself.
Isax, the street between the Merkorliss Isles and the mainland of Lenfald.
Fyrla, river that runs from the Dragonscale Mountain Range across the border to Garheim. It is believed that in the beginning of time Godess Fyrla created this river as an escape from her husband Dragor, creator of Dragons, when she discovered he created creatures that could breath fire, her only weakness. She escaped to what is now known as Garheim and created the harsh climate, so that the Dragons could not follow her.
Issala, river that runs from the Airgid Corónaigh to Everlyns Tears. Meaning Icy river in Old Lenfel, the waters of the Issala are always refreshingly cool, even in the warmest of seasons.
Lománsruth, river that runs from Everlyns Tears to the Aines, its name meaning a stream for logs, it is the most important route for timber to the lumbermills in Ainesford.
Dragansruth, river that runs from the Dragonscale Mountains to the Aines, literally meaning Dragon Stream, it runs to a series of hot springs in the Dragonscale mountains which means it has a strong sulfur smell, which gives it the illusion it is on fire.

I'd like to make clear that as in real maps, not every city is located here, nor every landmark. Some of them may be to small to be featured in this map or simply to young to have been existing in the time of Elderon.

(I added the last part so new members can always create new cities. Although it would be nice to post them in this thread, so the rest of Lenfald knows where your city is located. so to clarify: This is merely a basis you can use for your creations, so you have some kind of history you can add to your creations (think of statues or references to nearby cities), besided the official lore. Hope this keeps everybody satisfied :D )
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Re: LCC-Lenfald final map, with city names explained.

Post by Bluesecrets »

Please post this on the map thread. I will lock it once you have. Thank you.

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Re: LCC-Lenfald final map, with city names explained.

Post by Elderon »

The entire post or a link to this post? Because it thought it would be handy to keep a thread about each factions maps. But if that is not allowed I'll figure out something else ;)
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Re: LCC-Lenfald final map, with city names explained.

Post by wobnam »

Great work Elderon :)

If this is the final Lenfald map, please post it in the map thread.
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Re: LCC-Lenfald final map, with city names explained.

Post by Elderon »

There done! Are you happy now! No just kidding, I understand :D You can lock it now :)
Fairy tales do not tell children the dragons exist. Children know that dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children the dragons can be killed. ~G.K. Chesterton